Chapter 8

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   Japan woke up the next day and immediately realized it was not his room. He couldn't tell what gave it away. It was either the hero poster or the poster that said Ten Ways to Make England say I am Better than Him.

  He guessed he was in America's house and he remembered why. That was a heated meeting. Japan still didn't know why Russia and China wanted to know so much. What plans did they have?

While deep in thought America walked in. Japan looked at him and flashed him a smile which he returned with an all American smile.

"Ohayo, America-San." Japan said.

"Kansas to you too!!" America said making Japan laugh a little.

"So um, How do you feel? Ya know, about what happened at the meeting?" America said scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh um...yea..." I say looking down and away from America's face.

"Hey Japan..." America said, "I promise...that what they said, doesn't matter."

I still don't look up at him but I nod and whisper okay. We sit in awkward silence for what seems like forever but really was like 5 seconds.  Japan felt his face heat up as he thought back to what Russia and China said about the Atomic bombings. No..No don't cry Japan... he thought to himself. The evil thoughts refused to leave his head though. Then, on what seemed like a happy and sunny day, a tear was shed by this little nation.

America watched as the tear hit the blanket that was a dark blue with a red outline. The tear was visible and soon the pale cheek was stained with little tears falling down.

"Japan look at me.." America said though Japan refused to face him.

America got on the bed and touched Japan's cheek, who was still not facing him.

"Hey.." America said softly caressing the wet tear stained cheek. Japan tried to shoo America's hand away but America just grabbed his wrist and grabbed his other hand. With Japan's wrist he made it so Japan had to face him and lifted his head with a finger so that Japan would look at him.

His brown eyes looked hurt and his cheeks stained so perfectly you could see which way every tear went and wear it over lapped.  Japan looked at America , his eyes as though saying " I am so sorry".

America smiled lightly and looked at Japan.

" I promise it doesn't matter.." America started " all that matters is that we made up right."

In that moment America noticed a few things about Japan like his pink lips and his raven black hair. Slowly he started pulling Japan's face closer to is. Almost to were they were on centimeters apart. He could see every detail on Japan's face like this. America kept pulling them closer together before he realized what he was doing.

His face turned bright red (like Spain's tomatoes) and so did Japan's . They quickly looked away in embarrassment but both wanted to know where that could have led them.  (insert lenny face)

"A-arigato America-San.." Japan said facing America with a small smile "for cheering me up."

"No prob dude! I am the hero of course!!" Japan giggled at this.

" Anyway you will have to stay here for a little only because you live so close to China and Russia and we need this whole thing to cool down first." Japan nodded cause he understood what could happen if he went back.

"Wait...what about clothes??" Japan asked.

"I have x-small and small shorts for girls for some weird reason (pretty sure America was drunk) and you could wear my teeshirts."

America left Japan in the room showing him where the extra clothes were. When Japan came out America could see the size different. Japan was wearing the shorts but the teeshirt was so big that it went all the way down to Japan's knees so you couldn't see the shorts.

America's face  turned a little red before looking back at the t.v. This would be a long few days.

(A/N sorry for the feels at the beginning but it needed to be done. Plus more feels will be happening later on in the story. Like PruCan stuff for certain reasons *cough* Prussia dying  slowly *cough* and more Ameripan sadness and maybe a kiss in the near future. Who knows!! Tell me what you thought!! Author-Chan OUTTT))

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