Chapter 3

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"The World Meeting can begin now." Said America beaming. Japan's mood seemed to have changed because of that girl. Anime was it.

America could have really cared less about the girl though he was more interested in Japan.  He sat there with his straight black hair that America loved a lot. Today America planned to ask Japan if he hated him.

America, even if he didn't ask, was still going to get to talk to Japan. He was going to visit Japan's house soon. Since he had sworn to protect Japan after WW2, his boss decided that he should go an experience Japan without the war. He was excited but also a little scared. He doubted the people liked him very much. But then again he still had some people who like him over there,right?

All the countries gave a "report" some making new deals and relationships sparking up. Russia still picked at trying to get America to tell him about the Atomic Bomb. He refused to budge but then China also started to agree.

  When it got to Japan's turn he said he had nothing. The girl from earlier appeared again from what seemed like thin air.

"Japan!" screamed the Anime-Chan "I need your help! Titan! Hurry!!!!"

Japan face-palmed and then asked:
"How did you get here?"

" Well~, You guys left the door open and everything was quiet plus its almost lunch."

"Anime-Chan, how many times do I have to tell you I don't take part in silly antics!"

"But its not silly! This time its happening in you know where. We have to go Help!" Anime-Chan said emphasizing the last word.

Japan sighed standing up and bowing at everyone before running off. Never before had he left a meeting. Never.

America watch the other country run out and go with the pink haired girl. He stood up and said something he didn't think he would "Lets follow them..". America didn't know if it was jealousy or just the fact that he missed his chance to ask Japan if he was upset with him.

  The other countries nodded standing up with him. When they left they saw that down the hall Japan was handing the girl an outfit. They were to far away to hear them but they could still see what was happening. Japan then got something from were all the nations left their backpacks, art, tools, luggages, etc. He came back with what looked like a weapon which  the   girl ended up taking. Before she left again, she told them something and then said:

"I"m gonna kill me some Titans!"

Running off, Japan only waved and laughed at her. He then turned seeing the other nations their he froze. They all stared at him shocked. Those were weapons, right? It must have been.

China was the first to speak up.

"Japan you said you wanted to help your country," China said "yet your spending money on things like that!"

"Maybe you can't be trusted..." entered England baking up China.

"Japan.." said a scared Italy "what was that.?!"

  His eyes seemed like he was gonna cry, but he refused to. Clearing his throat, he regained composure.

"No, there fake," Japan started "and I didn't waste money on them cause I used old scraps to make them."

He stared at China again.

"That answer your question, bakayarou?"

He turned and went inside the meeting, got his lunch, then walked away.

The rest of the countries walked away and got their  own lunch. America, instead of going to McDonalds, followed Japan.

He found the tiny nation under a white tree. The leaves were falling on his hair as he looked down at his bento. As America walked towards him he saw Japan was crying holding a picture of someone. Written under it was "Nagisaka". Japan looked up and saw America.

"Oh Um..hi.." America said.

"I uhh... wanted to know... do you hate.. m-me?"

Japan wiped his tears and faced America right in the face.

"No, I don't hate you, I do not favor you, but not hate."

America let out a relieved sigh and sat down next to him. Japan had bread with some dust on it, sushi, and little sausages cut into octopus with a sea of ramen. America's eyes widened at the sight.

"D-did you make the squid by yourself?"
Japan nodded smiling a bit.

For the rest of the lunch they talked. America learned some new things ,such as who that girl was. Apparently she just showed up but she and Japan became amazing friends at first sight.  Lets just say America went back to the meeting smiling a bright smile.

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