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i walked home , took my car & drove around  & thought for a long time , i was debating whether or not i should go to melly's  .

after one hour of melly blowing my phone up ; wondering where im at & after a hour of me thinking about this situation , i didn't end up going to his house . i don't know why i decided to not go but at that moment i felt as if it wasn't the right thing to do .

i ended up going to Chick-fil-A & Walmart , to get my mind of things . i had ate then i went into Walmart and bought a whole bunch of food because i didn't want to be starving at my house during the week since i was going to be there .

while in the store looking for the items i needed i ran into bortlen . he wasn't in no food isle or any regular isles , bortlen was in the isle where pregnancy test be at . i was talking to him & i didn't want to be nosey but i had to because bortlen never had girls around . i asked him what's this for while picking up the pregnancy test & he had started to act funny and he wasn't telling me .

since he wasn't telling me i started to over think & over react , maybe its for melly ?

i went to check my phone & i had 78 messages & 60 missed calls from melly , i didn't see any of those notifications because my phone was on do not disturb . all of the messages he had sent me were 'WHERE ARE YOU SUMMER' or 'DID SHE TELL YOU SUMMER ?'

i looked back up at bortlen with a confused look and asked "for melly ?" not ready for his answer & he nodded his head slowly and panicky .

maybe they were playing with me just because i had been ignoring melly & he was worried , or just wanted to get back at me . or melly could've really did something & that's why mariah came to talk to me .

bortlen asked me if i was fine & if i wanted to talk , all i cared about was if this was really true  ? , did melly get someone pregnant ? are you sure ? & bortlen's   response was "what do you think mariah REALLY came to talk to you about ?" 🌚" i don't know maybe so she could get in my head you know , girl on girl convo im not sure bort" which was my response  . i think he changed his mind of talking to me , he left and all he said was "think about it summer & think hard" 

this was boring  😤😤
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