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me & melly were at his house & first of all I'm not even supposed to be at his house i was being a little sneaky . while he was over there laying all on the bed i was over there on the edge of the bed , i was on the edge of the bed because i didn't want to be all in his space and second of all i was just to shy to be all up on him and in his personal space ALSO i was shy because he was way tooo fine for me to not be shy around him .

a hour had went by and he wasn't saying anything to me so i was thinking to myself did i do something wrong at the movies , did he find something out about me , did that stupid bitch jasmine tell him lies about me ? i mean it's not like i be doing any sneaky behind his back because when I'm talking to someone they're the only person im talking too .

after that i put my pride aside and i went to go see what he was doing . so i slithered my ass over there by him to see what the deal was and when i came over there he moved his phone the opposite direction of me so i couldn't see what he was doing on his phone , then he goin ask me "whatchu doin jit ?" smiling at me with his golds and shit & i almost forgot what i was about to say because he was just so fine and he knew what his ass was doing smiling at me . as i moved over towards him on the bed i asked him "what you doing  ? why you moving the phone away from me ?"  because i could feel something going on because i've did that before in situations where i was being the sneaky person , but i also didn't want to assume anything , but assuming is all i could do when all that's happened to me in relationships is get played . im also feeling like i shouldn't take it that seriously either because we're not official or anything , but that's just how i am so i had to say something because it was irritating me so badly . "why you so worried bout what im doin bihh ?" he asked me "whatchu mean melly im just asking you being extra quiet over there not have you talked to me"  so after that i looked at his phone again because he put it down , he also put his phone face down which gave me another reason to start suspecting things . i grabbed it (he flinched of course & asked 'what you doin') and i started flipping his
phone while trying ta look at the screen and eventually while flipping it i got it face up , while i was looking at the screen of his phone he had got 2 notifications that popped  up . melly got one notification from mariah & one from jasmine . the two females that have been messing with him from the jump , mind you i just forgave melly for the jasmine situation but mariah too ? and mariah was texting him asking when was i leaving :/ so after i read that text i got up , i was so mad and tired of all of this stuff with him , i was fed up and we weren't even in anything serious yet . he tried to get me to come back  & explain what & why he did what he did , but i couldn't do it , like when is he going to realize my worth ? but little did he know , you don't realize what you got until it's  gone . i knew that we just needed to stop what we got going on , or else it might just not work & i actually want us to work .

so tonight i guess i have to go back go jasmine's and act like nothing ever happened while she'll probably be over there texting my "nigga" on some snake shot & im just there thinking about everything , ya know it's crazy how shady people can be , but it's okay though she came in clutch for letting me stay at her house for the night .

sorry y'all the update was a little late but it's something $limes 🤷🏽‍♀️💚 730 & something words go me 🤝 and this chapter was decent . (excuse the mistakes im so tired ! ) && don't forget to 🅱️omment because yall NEVER do , so DO DAT if yall want another update soon .

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