Final Chapter - First Beginnings

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It was the late night, the main story had concluded with Kurome defeated but at the same-time the sacrifice of Uzume. The CPU's, candidates everyone who fought now enjoys a time of rest and reprieve.

Terra in PJ's was being guided by Nepgear to her room but upon about to enter he paused "Is...this really alright to do?" he asked "I mean I don't mind the gesture but..."

"Come on, I don't think you'll do anything dirty" said Nepgear gently "Besides there waiting for you" he was pushed into the room to see Rom, Ram and Uni preparing sleeping bags each with a pillow. Uni was in button black PJ's her hair let loose, and Rom and Ram in onesies of blue and pink each with cat-ears

"Oh Terra hey" said Rom "We put these down, yours is the grey one"

"Consider this a privilege we're evening letting you share" said Ram

"Alright, Alright...thank you" he said gratefully climbing into his back. 

Terra remained quite anxious, his face a bit red as he fidgeted in his sleeping bag " can relax you know" said Uni a bit cheerfully "No need to be so nervous"

"We do trust you, you know" said Nepgear giggling amused "It's alright just please rest your head, even you said yourself you didn't want to be alone"

"I guess I just...I just"

"We're all candidates Terra, it's alright" said Rom trying to ease him "It's just for tonight"

"Yeah I mean if you don't like it, no need to stay" said Ram happily. Having heard the kind words, Terra's eyes closed and with he eased off rather quickly into sleep.

Uni looked over, listening to Terra's quiet snores and nodding to the other went to sleep herself. The Next morning came and Terra arose from his sleep. He turned round to the window to see it was rather miserable outside with some roaring rain battering the city. He saw soft sleeping from Rom and Ram who had curled closer to each other "Morning Terra, you sleep alright?" he turned left to see Nepgear was awake and playing on her hand-held device

"I did yes" he said with hands behind his head "I'm just glad nothing bad happened"

"Why were you so nervous?"

"Vert has made me watch a few anime, involving guys flailing in their sleep or girls getting too snuggly" Nepgear sweated a little

"No wonder you were so nervous but it's alright nothing happened see"

"I guess, I guess not"

Nepgear put away her device "Well...shall we try to repair the cube? Even if we can't really fix it, I think Uzume would like it if you looked after it for her" Terra smiled

"Only one thing" said Terra "I won't let her be forgotten, or at least be left to be gathering dust in some basement" Nepgear nodded twice

"Then mind if I help? I know all how about machinery and wires through all the tinkering I do so maybe I can help along"

"That would be useful...but restoring the console might come with a problem. Regardless whether we can break the seal or not, the parts cannot be substituted. Kurome went through a lot of effort to get those exact parts"

"That might make things tricky" said Uni who had woken up "But we'll have to do our best with what we have. Why not bring them in?"


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