Arc 3 - Chapter 7: The Preview of NEXT

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"Well then on with the show folks. There won't be much of an intro for now, not unless there's something meaningfull to say so I'll just to a short recap. Kurome's true identity was Former Goddess of Planeptune and Terra's best friend. 'Disposed' of by the people, her anger and hate to the very people she tried to serve only stayed with her fuelling her revenge and need to punish everyone. Everyone has arrived to find Kurome, Terra stays with the group and they now face the four CPU's...only a little different"

Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert all in their HDD forms stand present and ready to fight with Terra and his friends semi-ready for there was obvious reluctance "Everyone I'd suggest taking this seriously from the start" said Terra with his unique neon sabre "When I felt Neptune strike, she meant it and with their mentality's warped to this extent..."

"Yeah there'll be no softness in their attacks" said Nisa "I do hope their moral codes linger in their techniques"

"But without the kindness in their hearts" said C-Sha "These girls will hit hard"

"Take it from me..." said Terra "I've fought these girls single-handedly and when they went to be serious...they are formidable"

"You fought all of them?" asked B-Sha

"Well minus Vert, I've fought each of them individually at one point even all four together. Though Blanc was switched with the CPU of Planeptune from Big Neptune's dimension"

"You even fought Plutia!?" remarked Big Neptune bringing out both her swords

"Well should we go about this?" asked Uzume "We'll follow you"

Terra turned to Uzume in puzzlement "Huh me?"

"You are the only one who has fought all the CPU's" said S-Sha "With some exception Green Heart and have fought all of us Gold Third so you'd be the best to strategically appoint us in this fight"

"We'll all follow your direction" said K-Sha with a smile and guns armed

"Terra, we all believe in you" said Nepgear nodding in HDD form "We know you can help us save our sisters"

"Well Terra" said Big Neptune patting his shoulder "It seems you've become the leader protag of this party" Terra saw the expectant smiles and faith and he smiled to himself, a distinct glow from his chest noted by Uzume

"Right then...Candidates, CPU, human and Gold Third" said Terra "Lend me your aid"

Terra closed his eyes and called out emerging in HDD form Mk 3, silvery blue hair and body suit equipped. Nisa summoned Robin Hood, Uzume went to Orange Heart, Rom and Ram joined the HDD squad and the Gold Third entered their powered-up states "right then" said Terra "to make the teams. First each Gold Third fights their representative CPU"

"So me for Nep" said B-Sha "K-sha for Noire, S-Sha for Vert and C-Sha for Blanc" the others nodded and faced their opposition

"C-Sha you take the lead, Rom and Ram back her up alright. Strike Blanc as if she's being naughty alright"

"Of course, leave it to us" said Rom

"Yeah, we'll fight" said Ram joining C-Sha

"Nepgear and Uni, you're to aid K-Sha fighting Noire" said Terra "Nepgear will take the lead here with K-Sha and Uni backing her up"

Nepgear seemed a bit bemused but nodded "Alright, Uni let's work together here to stop Noire"

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