Arc 2D - Leanbox Chapter 3: Opposition Cute and Blue!?

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"Well folks...we're already at the golden tower of LEanbox. Nepgear, Vert and Terra rush to the Golden Summit, the top of the Golden Tower where S-Sha has taken the million Ran-Pigs. They arrive at the base"

Terra looks up to the tall tower a bit despondent while Nepgear marvels "Wow, I've never seen a structure made of what seems to be real gold. It must've taken years to build something like this"

"Regardless let us hurry" said Vert "Terra come on, we can look at it later" Terra turned and nodded, looking at the etching of LAURA on the wall before running inside to the strange inner world of the Golden Tower.

"Yeah, Yeah...I'm coming" he said before having a flashback to each tower "Lowee had Yoshino...and Lastation had Emily. I didn't look at Planeptune's tower so...I wonder if my name is there. But why are our names on these towers? Oh I'll work it out later" 

As they headed inside immediately S-Sha appeared "Whoa that was fast, S-Sha what are you...huh?" asked Terra about to ask but stopped

"What is it?" asked Vert

"S-sha...seems...different. Her spirit feels a little off and her eyes...they're green"

"Who are you?" asked Nepgear "Are you S-Sha? And where are the Ran-pigs?" the woman didn't reply "Huh? Didn't you understand me?"

"Let me try" said Vert "Are you E-Sha who call us?" a softer voice spoke back


"Oh she spoke" said Nepgear "So you're not S-Sha?"


"And you were the one who texted us correct?" asked Vert


Vert nodded "It seems E-Sha here can only answer with yes or no but that could make things awkward a bit"

"Still who is E-Sha?" asked Terra "I mean besides the eye colour, S-Sha is pretty much a twin to E-Sha here" Terra's phone went off "Oh a text 'That body contains two souls, myself and S-Sha's. Only one of us can be control at one time this tower I can manifest myself as spirit and I wanted to come and meet you'"

Though Nepgear understood "But...why did she send us that info by text? Is it that she can't speak?" Terra's phone went off and he looked at it

"No...she's just incredibly shy" said Terra "She can't really talk directly to people too well"

"So...the crucial key character in this final dungeon" said Vert "Can't speak due to shyness"

"So S-Sha did you send the letter to Vert's room?" asked Nepgear with Vert's phone going off

"Let's see 'Correct. While S-Sha was asleep I took over and sent it to you. I would've used her cellphone but I was worried she'd find out' That explains why she sent a letter" 

E-Sha seemed concerned with her expression as Terra's phone went off again "please hurry. I will help guide you to where S-Sha is but the ritual is already happening, please hurry"

"Thanks for that E-Sha" said Terra pounding his chest "Don't worry we'll stop her from doing something stupid, it's kinda a running gag" E-Sha lightly smiled and patted Terra's head before vanishing "And she's gone"

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