Arc 3 - Chapter 12: The Final Evolution

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Neptunia's Second Lost Chapter

Heart Dimension H

Chapter 12: The Final Evolution

The Final battle had now come around with Kurome now transformed as the towering titaning Dark Orange which had blended the power of the other Dark CPU's. Kurome had defeated the humans except Human Neptune, and Gold Third leaving alone the Candidates and targeting the CPU's who were winded from her berserk blows. Terra used all of his strength to deflect an attack leaving him vulnerable but a bit of...hacking from Neptune had seemingly paused all action.

Terra's eyes were closed as he leaned back slightly floating a bit in the air. His body now began to engulf in light, coating his body in white. The girls watched as Terra seemed to be growing in height and build, gaining at least a foot, his torso and arms thickening to an extent. His hair also grew but somewhat wildly as it went to his shoulders and down his front in thick quills. It was then the light began to leave his body, like wrappers leaving an object from the bottom.

Terra now had smooth black boots, with silver material bindings over the heel with tight fitting silver tinted blue ¾ bottoms with a blue black sash tied around the waist to hold it in place. The torso was revealed, showing off a mild six-pack under a fitted piece of silver armour that was revealed to be a torso like vest with short sleeves, the sides a cyan. His rather toned arms showed, silver metallic gloves covering the tops of his hands while his hair was a dark platinum silver, with black hightlights. Upon his back was a ring of even parts green, black and white and within the ring was a smooth L.

Terra opened his yellow eyes, looking upon Kurome while the other girls just gawked "Terra...transformed?" asked Nepgear looking curious

"That can't be Terra can it?" asked Ram

"He looks...older now?" asked Rom while for the CPU's, seeing Terra from behind it was a bit puzzling

"No, no how did you?" asked Kurome frustrated before going forward with her punch "It won't matter all the same" Terra rather calmly outstretched his hand to forge Blanc's tomahawk, which he then changed for the NEXT form version

"Zerstorung!" and with a sudden swing struck Dark Orange's fist and not only blocked her but bounced her quite back "Now the follow up!" Terra jumped, the power of the vault sounding with a boom as he double kicked Kurome's head – who despite the size different leaned back – before forging Uzume's megaphone "Dream ROAR!" the shockwave blew Kurome off her feet and onto her back through the ring sounding with a boom.

Kurome though got back up, and punches out...only for Terra to dodge her, and dodge another one. He then taunted her forward and in a frenzy she rapidly punched out, Terra dodging and even blocking every single punch, until he swayed and spin-kicked her fist to deflect her "My turn" Terra flew forward and went for a kick, that Kurome did guard but was sent back considerably. Terra then called out and rapidly thrust his hands out, rapidly like pistons to shoot Kurome with a volley of blasts and beams.

Kurome, being as big as she was, looked to be sitting duck against the many projectile shots "You...don't underestimate me!" in resilience she punched through the shots, and stuck home a giant powerful fist to Terra sending him hurtling away to the shock of the girls "There we...what!?" but Terra rolled backwards and stopped himself by firing energy behind him, like a parachute letting him slow down and stop. Terra cricked his neck "Well...someone lost her temper didn't they? Did the big meanie CPU lost their rag?" Kurome whaled in anger while Terra jetted to her 

"I'll make you regret mocking me!" as she struck out a punch, Terra though smiled, rolled over the punch and ran along her arm, jumping over her swatting arm and generated a Plasma Ball "Zestu!  Plasmic force!" with a close-range shot to the face, Kurome fell down to her back with a slam.

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