Arc 2A- Lowee Chapter 4: The Impossible Trade

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"And on with the show, Theodore here to keep you forever going long as I get paid that is. So Terra continues to aid the White CPU's in Lowee, supported by C-Sha, but it seems his exploits aren't going anywhere. At this rate...he could be stuck in Lowee. We fast-forward three days since the last chapter to which Terra and Blanc speak to each other – with bathing suits on - as Rom and Ram get washed with C-Sha in the next bath"

Terra made a heavy sigh "I feel like we're hitting a brick wall, we've made no headway really"

"I know what you mean" said Blanc sighing too "Sure we've gotten stronger but we found no new information on this title system or those gold towers"

"We have plenty stronger though" said Ram next door "and we've got plenty famous"

"There's hardly anyone who doesn't know the white sisters" said C-Cha happily "and their male compatriot"

"We've even got some Share power now" said Rom

"Still...all the power in the world doesn't seem to help us" said Blanc "I tried again to fly to another nation but my power faded completely when I got too far from Lowee"

" leaves us with one option" said Terra "We storm the Lowee Basilicom and find this nation's ruler" 

C-Sha more physically flinched while Rom and Ram more out surprise "As in we break into the Basilicom" said Rom a bit nervous

"But won't we get in trouble?" asked Ram

"To be honest...I don't see any other choice myself" said Blanc sounding forced "I don't like Terra's idea either but we need answers which only the Current Ruler of this town can give us"

"We might have to rough up a few guards" said Terra groaning "But we don't have a choice. We've gained some strength, so we should be fine in a fight"

"But...surely there are other ideas to do Terra" said C-Sha hiding her nervousness

"If there is gives us one because we're all out. Does anyone have any better ideas?" the room silent " we rest and tomorrow we storm the Lowee Basilicom and find the ruler"

"That and it's our house anyway" said Ram "We're not stealing...just taking it back"

"Yeah" said Rom

"Then it's a plan" said Blanc "How about you C-Sha? You don't have to do this with us"

"I'll...provide back-up if you need it" said C-Sha not to enthusiastic "that is...if you need it"

As the night ended, C-Sha was going outside, her arm shaking with purple fire "IT's getting worse...the build up is becoming more rapid than normal"

"I wonder if you're sick or anything" said Azna-leb sneaking out "You have been making more frequent trips, it's getting harder to cover up your...little sickness"

"What do you want?"

"An update. My scouts tell me that Madam Blanc still has not been terminated, why have you not done it yet?"

"Plainly because I refuse"

"Oh! Do you want me to rat you out?"

"Go ahead...this is not a fight I can easily win on my own, as you've found out with those soldiers of yours" 

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