The two headed back home, through the lobby of their apartment building with cherry red faces and sweaty palms from holding hands the entire time, but not caring one bit. Jaebum even got a look from Youngjae as they passed by the security desk, a look that had 'I told you so' written all over it. Jaebum stuck his tongue out at the security guard as they headed for the stairs, the younger chuckling and showing him a thumbs up of approval.

Maybe Youngjae did tell him so, and luckily he eventually listened to his heart or else him and Jinyoung would still be pointlessly dancing around one another's feelings.

They got up to Jaebum's apartment, shedding their outer clothes by the door. Often times their eyes met as they tried to sneak looks at one another, which was a bit stupid since they no longer had a reason to hide their attraction, but there was still that feeling of being in a new relationship that left butterflies in their stomach and dumb shy grins on their faces whenever they were around each other.

Jaebum headed for the kitchen to get himself something to drink, but the sound of the angel's voice stopped him. "So... did you like me since our first stormy night sleeping together?"

Jaebum turned, raising a brow at the seemingly random question. "Hm, maybe. I dunno, why?"

"Just wondering." Jinyoung shrugged.

Jaebum narrowed his eyes at the angel, a bit of amusement twinkling in his eye. "The real question is when did you start liking me? Because last time I checked you-"

"I hate humans, right I know." Jinyoung flushed, the irony of it all a tad bit embarrassing. "I guess... it had to be our date— I mean, at the time it wasn't a date but... when we went to the club that one time, and got dinner afterwards. I hated sitting there with all the lovey dovey shit and hearts everywhere, but that was only because I felt my heart fluttering every time I looked at you. I knew I was falling for you then I just... didn't really want to believe it."

"Aw, that was cute." Jaebum cooed, walking over to pinch Jinyoung's puffy cheeks. "I remember the heart eyes you gave me the entire time, I just ignored them since I thought I was projecting my feelings onto you."

Jinyoung pushed Jaebum's hand away, a small giggle escaping him. "Hush, y'know you weren't subtle either? There were so many times I thought for sure you'd confess."

That was pretty surprising to hear, considering that the only reason he hadn't confessed was because Jaebum had always been unsure if Jinyoung was even attracted to him romantically. "Oh? Like when?"

"In the park, after we went to the movies. I thought, maybe, if I made a move you would make one too, but all you did was call me cute." Jinyoung replied, seeming a bit disappointed in his failed attempt.

Jaebum couldn't help but laugh as he remembered back to that day. Jinyoung really was cute, and if he knew of the other's intentions, he would've definitely made a move. "You kissing my thumb was making a move? That's pathetic."

The angel frowned, folding his arms over his chest. "Is not, it's... cute..."

"Hm, so you admit that you're just adorable and awful at flirting?" Jaebum asked, his finger curling under Jinyoung's chin, lifting his head to see his gorgeous face better.

"Am not! You can't do any better!" Jinyoung retorted.

Jaebum smiled, deciding to take the challenge. He stepped closer into Jinyoung's personal space, the angel walking backwards until his back hit the nearby wall. He gasped as Jaebum pinned a hand next to his head, effectively blocking his way as he leaned in close.

"I can't huh? You're already blushing." Jaebum pointed out with a touch of Jinyoung's heated cheeks.

Jinyoung swallowed hard, his eyes darting away from Jaebum's suddenly darkened orbs. "Y-You caught me off guard."

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