Chapter 20

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(Newt P.O.V)

"Avada Kedavra." 

But before Myers finished his sentence, Newt kicked out with his legs, tripping Myers which sent a green light to bounce around the room before hitting the wall and disappearing. Newt hastily fumbled with the rope that kept his hands tied together while Myers recovered from the surprising outburst, and soon he got the rope to untie itself. He then searched frantically for his wand in his pockets, surprised to find that it was still in its correct place. Newt still sat in the chair when Myers rose up from the ground, ready to attack again.

"Let's try again, shall we?"  He said in a deep raspy voice, and he shot a green light at Newt again. Newt rushed out of the chair, narrowly missing the curse, and shot a spell at Myers himself. 

"Expelliarmus!" Myers' wand flew at Newt, who caught it then snapped it in half, pointing his wand back at the wizard who had tried to kill him before. Myers came after Newt, punching him in the face again, and Newt failed to regain his balance as he got punched in the gut. Newt fell to the floor, trying to catch his breath, but didn't have much time as Myers soon pulled out a dagger from his pocket. He thought it was strange, because who walks around with a knife in their pocket?  

"Oh, come on," Newt said breathlessly as he rolled over to avoid being stabbed. He quickly got up onto his feet and scrambled to get away from Myers, keeping his guard up. Myers leaped and tackled Newt, their limbs tangling with each other as they rolled around on the floor fighting. Newt's senses felt numb, he had so much adrenaline pulsing inside of him. He struggled to say "P-petr-ificus... to-totalus!", but when he got the words out, he felt Myers' body go limp, and Newt rushed to push him off and onto the floor, where he could actually catch a breath. 

Newt closed his eyes, breathing in deeply, and he could feel the adrenaline starting to wear off as his pulse steadied. He could feel a splitting headache beginning to form, along with pain in his face and gut where he had been punched. The only thing he didn't recognize was the agonizing pain in his upper left leg, and when he slowly looked down he found that the dagger Myers had had been stabbed into his leg. The dim light made it practically impossible to see, so he lit his wand for a better source of light and looked closely. 

He had been stabbed a little way up above the knee, and from what he could see, blood was already starting to soak around the blade and into his pants. He put his wand in between his teeth, then ripped his pants open around the wound to see it even more. He knew he had to remove the dagger, and he knew he had to do it quickly, for fear of Myers getting up and attacking again.

Newt gripped the handle tightly, preparing himself by taking a few deep breaths before he yanked it out of his leg with all his might.  He held in his scream, trying to prevent muggles from hearing, who were probably in the rooms right next to the one he was in. He released the dagger, and it clattered as it hit the floor. Newt knew he needed to get back to his room, but the problem was Myers would probably come back there to kill him. So he obliviated the man, and he apparated to his room to avoid attracting attention, and to avoid giving more damage to himself. 

He landed on his bed, the effort of moving shooting pain throughout his entire body. Newt put his hand over his leg, the warm and sticky blood covering it as he tried to reduce the amount of bleeding. It wasn't working well, so he summoned a towel from the bathroom and conjured up a bowl, filling it with water. He got the towel wet and dabbed at his wound, attempting to clean it out the non-magical way. Soon he gave up and used his wand to use some simple healing spells that would hopefully help. Conjuring up some bandages, he wrapped them around his leg, the blood no longer being able to spill out. The pure white bandages already began to soak up the blood it could, slowly turning into a crimson red. Newt sighed. He did not think this is how his trip back to England would go. The pain in his leg was unbearable, a horrible pain that made it feel like his whole leg was on fire. His entire body ached. But of course, there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. He just hoped that the others were having way better luck than he was having.

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