Chapter 1

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(Newt's P.O.V.)

Newt felt butterflies in his stomach as he was nearing New York and could see the statue of liberty. He remembered the last time he was here, when all his creatures got loose, when he became a fugitive running away from MACUSA, when he had met Jacob, Queenie, and Tina... Tina. Newt thought. Her lovely smile from his memories came back to him from just the previous year. He had promised her to give her his book in person... and here he was, on his way to see Tina again.

Newt was jolted out of his thoughts when the boat came to a stop at the New York docs. He got off the boat in a hurry and headed to customs. Newt had never enjoyed customs, the muggles were always so miserable about everything.

"Next!" he heard a muggle woman call. Newt was next in line. He slowly walked up to the woman, handing her his passport when he arrived.

"You British?" The woman asked carelessly.

"Yes." Newt replied absentmindedly. He had gone through so many different customs from his travels that it practically become an automatic reply. The woman glanced at his case in his hand and asked,

"You got anythin' edible with ya?"



"No." Newt said glancing down. He remembered when the last time he was here and the man had said that the latch on his case had flew open.

"Let me look inside." The woman said. Newt willingly placed his case on the table in front of him, quickly switched the case to muggle worthy, and slid the case over to the woman. She turned it around and unlatched the hooks and gently opened the case. She looked inside it for a few seconds before closing the lid and returning it to Newt. She handed him his passport and said,

"Your all set."

"Thank you." Newt quickly left the docs and entered New York for the second time. He couldn't remember how to get to the Goldstein apartment -plus he hadn't told them he was coming, for he wanted it to be a surprise- so he found a quiet alleyway and apparated to the front door of their apartment.

Newt appeared with a Pop! and lifted his hand to knock on the door. Before he was able to knock, the door opened wide to reveal a very happy looking Queenie.

"Newt!" She yelled, attacking him with a friendly hug.

"Hi Queenie." Newt awkwardly patted Queenie on the back, trying to return the gesture.

"Well, come in!" Queenie opened the door wider and moved aside to let Newt in.

"Sorry, Teenie isn't home yet. Ever since she got promoted to head of magical security, she's been real busy. But don't worry, she'll be home soon!" Queenie automatically replied to Newt's thought of where Tina was at the moment.

"She got promoted?" Newt asked.
"Mm, yeah. Ever since you helped her get her job back, MACUSA has liked her work so they decided to promote her. Would you like some tea?" Queenie offered.

"That's great to hear Queenie! And yeah, I would like some, please." Newt took a seat at the table while Queenie started to prepare some tea for Newt. Newt began to think of what Tina would think of his book. After all, he promised he would return to personally give her a copy.

"Oh, Newt! Don't worry, Teen will love it! She just couldn't wait for you to return!"

"Really?" Newt said surprised. He had accidentally forgotten that Queenie could read his mind and he had wondered in his thoughts near her. I should be more careful. Newt thought.

"Relax Newt. I already know." Queenie said with a knowing wink while setting his tea down in front of him.

"Thank you." He said while trying to hide his blush, as he started to turn red. Newt took a sip of his tea when all of a sudden, the Goldstein's apartment door burst open to reveal a very flustered and angry looking Tina. She threw her coat on the rack and was mumbling angrily under her breath and only stopped when she saw Newt.

"Newt?" She said, trying to catch her breath with a very confused look on her face.

"Hello Tina." Newt said, gazing at her from underneath his messy hair. Merlin's beard. Newt thought. She looks even more beautiful then the last time I saw her... Newt heard Queenie trying to stifle a giggle after listening to his thoughts, causing Newt to start blushing madly.

"I need to... um... go out! Yeah! I need to go get some things for dinner! See you two later!" Queenie hurried out the door and gave a quick wink towards Tina. They stayed in an awkward silence while avoiding each other's gaze, until Tina finally broke the silence.

"Um... so... how you've been, Newt?"

"Erm... good. I finished my book. It's been more of a success than I had expected... speaking of which..." Newt got up and stood in front of Tina. Newt pulled a rectangular package out of his coat pocket and handed it to Tina.

"Here is the book I promise you, Tina. It's the first copy made... I... erm... wanted it to be special..." Tina started to open the package and gasped when she saw the book. It had a navy blue leather cover and had a gold imprint saying "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them By Newt Scamander."

"You... you used my title..." Tina looked up at Newt with happy tears in her eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful... Oh Tina, how I want to tell you so badly... but... how?
"Uh, yes I did... I hope you don't mind... it kind of just... stuck." Tina smiled.

"I love it. It's beautiful." She flipped through the pages and stopped at the dedication page. Newt's heart skipped a beat. He remembered what he had written just before his book got published on the dedication page...
Dedicated to my wonderful friends Tina, Queenie, and Jacob, whom this book would not exist without. It was short, but when Newt had written it he had wanted to say something specifically about Tina, but thought against it.

"That's really sweet of you Newt, dedicating this to me, Queenie, and Jacob." Tina said looking up. Newt could tell, she was extremely happy.

"Tina, would you erm... like to... um... g-go in the case with me? I mean- you don't have to, um, if you don-"

Newt was cut off with Tina putting her finger to Newt's lips to make him stop talking. She smiled.
"I'd love to."

And there you have it guys! The first chapter of this Fanfic! I will try my best to update often, I have no specific dates that I will be posting new chapters, and sorry if they come late I'm writing them first in my notebook then editing them as I type them into here. Tell me your thoughts though I appreciate all! I'm gonna try hard to make chapters detailed and long. (Tell me if you want it like that) Tell me if you enjoyed this chapter and wanna read more... ok enough talk. Bye see ya in the next chapter!

The Return of Newt Scamander (Book #1, A Newtina Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now