Chapter 14

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(Tina P.O.V.)

"Queenie! Have you seen my necklace anywhere?" Tina yelled for her sister. She was searching frantically in their bedroom for it, under her bed, on her nightstand, her dresser, anywhere. But it was nowhere to be found. She swore it was sitting on her nightstand. Most of the time, she never took it off.

Queenie poked her head in the room and said, "No, where did you have it last?"

"I swear it was right here." Tina pointed at her nightstand, and she wanted to scream in frustration.

"Sorry Teen, I don't know where it is," Queenie said as she walked away. Great. Just great. I can't believe that I lost mother's locket. Tina was so angry at herself for losing the last connection she had to her parents, especially when she had it since her parents died. 

Tina walked to her closet and randomly grabbed a bunch of clothing, then walked back over to her open suitcase sitting on her bed. She stuffed the wads of cloth into the suitcase, not caring for neatness, for she was too frustrated to organize it. Frustrated with losing her necklace, and with the whole situation with Newt.

She didn't understand why she had to have her heart broken into a million pieces, like a shattered mirror. That's why she had never allowed herself to love, she was so deathly afraid of having her heart crushed and never being able to have it heal again. But now her fear had come true, and she didn't know if anybody could pick up the pieces to her heart and mend it whole again. Even if somebody did, it wouldn't be fully repaired, it would be like a broken vase glued together, that even the slightest rattle it would cause it to break again.

And now she was going to London with the man that broke her heart.

Tina attempted to shut the suitcase closed, but the lumps of clothing prevented it to latch and close properly. She put her two hands on top of the case and pressed down on it with all her might, but it still wouldn't close. So she took out all the clothing then pointed her wand at the interior of the suitcase and said, "Capacious extremis." Soon the inside of the case began to grow in size, and when it stopped it was about the size of a small closet. Tina hadn't perfected the charm yet, but after lots of practice, she had been able to grow her ability to extend things to a small closet size.

She stuffed her clothing back into the now larger suitcase and latched it shut, leaving it on her bed as she exited the room. She entered the living room and saw that Queenie was making breakfast. Tina walked over to the kitchen table and saw a stack of pancakes in the middle of the table along with a plate of bacon, ready for anybody to take. The best thing was, pancakes were Tina's favorite.

"What's the special occasion?" Tina asked, gesturing to the pancakes. For she knew that rarely Queenie made them. Queenie looked over her shoulder and said, "Well, I thought that since it's going to be our last morning here until we get back from London, I thought we should celebrate with pancakes!" Tina heard a knock at the door, so she walked over to it then opened it, revealing Jacob holding a suitcase and a box with Kowalski imprinted on it.

"Hello, Tina."

"Oh, hi Jacob. You're just in time actually, Queenie made pancakes!"

"Oh, sounds great! I brought pastries, by the way." Jacob handed the box to Tina and entered the apartment.

"Jacob honey!" Queenie exclaimed as she came over to him and gave him a short sweet kiss. "Hi, Queenie."

"Do you have everything ready for London?" She asked as she walked back over to the eggs she was cooking on the stove.

"Yep. Got it all right here." He said as he lifted his suitcase upwards a little bit, showing Queenie where he put all his belongings. "Why don't you two sit down and start to eat?" Queenie asked them, and they both willingly walked to the table and sat down. Queenie floated two plates down in front of them and they began to serve themselves. Tina grabbed two pancakes and one of Jacob's pastries out of the box he brought and grabbed a couple of pieces of bacon. Jacob, she noticed, had grabbed two pancakes also but no bacon. She wondered if he wasn't a fan of it or something.

"Where is Newt?" Jacob asked, looking around searching for him.

"I think he's still in his room, I haven't seen him since last night," Queenie replied as she served eggs to Jacob and her sister. She then prepared a plate for herself and sat down. "I'm sure Newt will be out soon." The trio ate in content silence for a while until Jacob asked,

"Do we know how we're going to find the Credence boy?" Tina was surprised at the sudden question, and she didn't realize it till now that she hadn't given much thought on how they were going to find Credence, let alone persuade him to come back to America with them.

"To be honest with you, I'm not sure." Said Tina, then continued, "The boat trip will be about a week, so I'll be able to think about a plan then." Queenie finished her breakfast and said, "I'm going to go and finish packing now. It shouldn't take me long to finish."

She left to the bedroom the two sisters shared, leaving Tina and Jacob to themselves. Tina finished her breakfast slowly, checking the clock every few minutes. Their boat departed at 11:30, and right now it was 10:37. But Newt still hadn't emerged from the depths of his room, and they were going to leave soon to make sure they made it to their boat on time. Tina knew she had to go get him, even though she really didn't want to. Queenie was busy packing, and she didn't want to bother Jacob about it since he was just a guest here. Besides, Tina had been trying her hardest to keep her feelings away from Queenie, and her asking somebody else to get Newt for her would probably just give Queenie and invitation to go poking around in Tina's thoughts and feelings. And she really did not want that right now. Tina sighed.

She got up from the chair and headed down the hallway, saying back to Jacob, "I'll be right back." As she approached the closed door that concealed the guest bedroom Newt was staying in, she took a deep breath and then knocked on the smooth wood.

"Mr. Scamander?" She said. "Are you coming? We need to leave soo-" She cut off as she opened the door to an empty room, not a trace anybody had been there.

Newt Scamander was missing.

And there on the desk was a single envelope.


I know, short chapter. But, I didn't really have much to put into this one. But the ending though, very unexpected right? Where do you think Newt is? Tell me your suspicions in the comments,


I think I might reveal where he is in the next chapter... But maybe I won't...
One more thing, I'm going to start putting the date at the end of the chapter when I published it. Well, that's it for this chapter, so see you later and keep on reading!

March 25th, 2019

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