Chapter 5

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(Tina P.O.V)

Tina awoke with a start. Wait. How did I get here? She couldn't remember anything that happened last night besides arriving at the Blind Pig, and now she found herself in her bed at home. She sat up and immediately felt sick. She got up, and ran to the bathroom, and started puking into the toilet. Thank god it's Saturday. But... what the hell happened last night? Tina felt awful, she had a pounding headache, and she was throwing up. Some day this is. She was still in her dress that she went in last night. After Tina was sure she was done, she got up and washed her face and hands, and went to find some answers from Queenie or Newt.

"Queenie?" She said, entering the kitchen. No one. Probably went to Jacob's this morning... I'll just ask Newt then. She walked over to Newt's guest bedroom and knocked on the door. "Newt? Are you there?" No answer. She opened the door to see Newt's case on the floor open. Must be in there. She climbed down the ladder and found herself in Newt's shed. Newt wasn't there. She headed over to the door to exit but on her way, a paper with green ink on Newt's desk caught her eye. She couldn't help her Auror curiosity but look at it. She moved some scattered papers to see it better, and she saw a letter, not a paper. It couldn't hurt... Tina thought as she started to read the letter.

Dear Newt,
I know it's been so long since we've talked and I hoped we could get back in touch with each other. I've missed you, and I hope you would forgive me after our fight at Hogwarts... I'll be in London January thirteenth through the twenty-second. I was hoping we could meet up and catch up? Write back to me soon.
With love,

Tina finished the letter and couldn't help but feel jealous. Had he written her back? Was he going to go and see her? After all, it was January 8th. She couldn't help but feel sad when Newt did leave. Pull yourself together Tina. Your acting like a silly schoolgirl. Tina walked back to the shed door and exited.

"Newt?" She called out. She went over to the bowtruckle tree first, thinking Newt might be talking to Pickett. She approached the tree and saw Newt with his back facing towards her with Pickett perched on his hand. Pickett was ranting on with his chirping noises about something. Tina was about to interrupt when Newt replied, 

"Yes, that happened last night Pickett. I-I don't know what to do now..." Tina started to panic. Oh no... what did I do? She decided to listen more to find out, because she thought that Newt may not tell the full story, just in case she did something irrational. Pickett started to squeak again as if giving advice, and Newt responded immediately after Pickett finished. "Pickett! I can't tell her about it! Merlin's beard! I did it also!" Did what? I'm not getting much out of this... Tina decided to announce her presence so Newt would know she was there and she could get better answers. She cleared her throat and said,

"Um, Newt?" Newt turned around quickly looking startled.

"Oh, Tina. It's just you. How are you feeling this morning?" Newt asked, going back an attending to the bowtruckles.

"Oh, I'm fine honestly. But, I wanted to ask you, what happened last night?" Tina saw Newt freeze and stop what he was doing.

"Y-you don't remember?" He asked with his back still facing her.

"Um, no. I figured I was drunk though."

"Oh. Well, you just drank a little too much fire whiskey, that's all." Somehow, Tina felt this wasn't the full story, based on what she overheard from Newt's conversation with Pickett. Or, at least from what she could understand. Tina felt as if Newt became less tense after finding out that Tina had no memory of last night. What is he hiding?

"I'm sure that's not the only thing that happened last night. Please tell me, I'm sure it's not all that bad, whatever it is." Tina pressed on for answers. She was determined to get them, and she wanted to see if she had done anything embarrassing in front of Newt when she was loopy. I sure hope I didn't...

"Come on, Newt. Tell me." Tina saw Newt tense up a bit again.

"Nothing serious happened last night, I swear. You just had too much fire whiskey so I took you home for Queenie since she was having a good time with Jacob." At this point, Newt was facing Tina and had a sincere expression.

"Okay. Well, thanks for filling me in truthfully." Tina lied, pretending she believed him. I'll just have to ask Queenie then...

"Do you know where Queenie went, by any chance?" Tina asked.

"Actually no, I don't. I've been down here all morning and night. But if you'll excuse me, I need to tend to a few other creatures..." Newt left quickly while avoiding eye contact with Tina. Tina sighed and headed back to Newt's shed to leave. Only then did she attend to her thoughts...

Something going on. Why else would he be acting strange? Well, stranger than usual. Maybe it has something to do with Leta and that letter... oh, stop being jealous Tina, Newt's allowed to love who he wants. Wait. Love? Where did that come from? Do I... love Newt? No. Ridiculous. And even if I did, it's not like he does back...

"Oh. My. Gosh. Tina! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" Tina was startled out of her thoughts, she didn't even notice Queenie standing in the kitchen when she entered.

"Queenie! I was thinking about-" Tina was cut off as she was going to make up and excuse.

"Newt. Yeah I know, Teen. I could probably hear your thoughts a mile away. And no, I don't know what happened last night." Queenie answered Tina as she opened her mouth to speak.

"You... don't?" Tina was surprised, Queenie usually knew everything that happened.

"No, I don't. I haven't been near Newt all morning to read his mind, and you both were off doing your own thing last night. At one point he did tell me he was worried that you were drunk, and I just told him you would be fine and if you was' real' bad then to take you home. A few minutes later both of you were gone so I assumed he had taken you home."

So he was telling the truth. But that still doesn't explain what he was talking about with Pickett...

"Wait, what? You overheard some of his conversations with Pickett?" Queenie asked.

"Um, yeah. I don't think you know the full story." Tina let Queenie read what she had overheard with their conversation.

"Hmm... Does seem a little suspicious, but doesn't help the fact that you can't understand bowtruckle talk." Queenie looked thoughtful for a moment. "But... if you let me read his mind-" Queenie was cut short.

"Queenie, no! It's his privacy."

"But Teen, I'm just gonna look for his memory of what happened last night. Nothing else. I swear."
Queenie whined. Tina just stared at her. Then made a decision.

"Just this once Queenie. Just this once."
Queenie squealed with excitement. "ONLY for last night! That's it!" Tina ordered.

"Yes, Teenie. I promise I will only look for what happened last night." She said with a salute. She left and went into the bedroom that she and Tina shared. I immediately regret this. Tina thought while rolling her eyes.

"Oh, you won't Tina! I promise you won't!" Queenie yelled from the bedroom.

Well, official start on the secret plan of the sisters. Let's just hope everything goes right.

Yay chapter 5 is here!!!! Sorry it took so long. I wasn't sure if I wanted Newt to tell Tina or not, but I finally made a decision, yay. I would've updated yesterday, but I had to go to the city to my sister's band concert. Did you guys see the funeral of George W. H. Bush today? It was really sad. During my Social Studies class, my teacher made us watch it live and it was depressing. My class was completely silent during it (which is not normal for my class). Sorry for this depressing A/N though. See you in the next chapter! Bye!

The Return of Newt Scamander (Book #1, A Newtina Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon