Chapter 9

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(Newt P.O.V)

What just happened? Newt was startled out of his dream, and he had so many questions.

Grindelwald was safely locked up in MACUSA headquarters, right? Then how did he get into Newt's dream, and, how would he meet up with him at Central Park?

Newt's head swarmed as he tried to sort out all the questions he had in his head. It wouldn't have been impossible for Grindelwald to contact Newt, it was just very difficult to use magic wandless, especially being contained in a high-security cell. It hadn't even been 3 minutes since Newt woke up, and the door to his room flew open and in came Queenie holding a tray with a steaming bowl, a glass of water, and a few other bottles that looked like magical medical supplies. Right, Newt thought, I forgot Tina was going to have Queenie check on me...

"Yes, I have been ordered by the Queen to check on you and make sure she didn't make any mistakes..." Queenie joked, interrupting and answering Newt's thoughts.

"She really shouldn't worry, she did fine and I know she did because I'm fine-"

"Newt! Stop saying 'your fine!' Your not! Tina told me that you couldn't even stand this morning, it's obvious your not fine, no matter how stubborn you are." This time Queenie acted as a mother worried about her sick child. "I brought you some food and water for you. I'll let you eat first then I'll check up on you. Oh, by the way, I brought you your wand, it was down in your case. Thought you would want it." Queenie said as she placed down the tray she was carrying on the nightstand by the bed.

"Thanks, Queenie." Even though Newt didn't want Queenie and Tina to worry about him, he was glad that he at least did have somebody worrying about his health and welfare. At least, somebody besides his mother.

"I'm not very hungry, Queenie." Newt really wasn't, and he was used to going without eating for long periods of time, considering he was usually taking care of his creatures in his case twenty-four seven. Queenie sighed.

"Really? You're not hungry?" Newt replied with a distinct "No."

"Well listen up mister! You're going to eat, no matter what you say!" Newt flinched, as he never saw this demanding side of Queenie before. Queenie took the medical supplies and his wand off the tray then took the tray with the steaming bowl and glass of water and set it on his lap.

"Please, Queenie, I insist, I'm not hu-"

"I'm going to stand here and watch until you eat all of it! Every last drop!" Newt somehow knew not to argue, he wanted to avoid something like him being force-fed, which he felt like that would be something his mother would do. And he felt as if Queenie was similar to his mother, and that she wouldn't be afraid to do that exact thing.

"You're right! I'm not afraid! Now eat!" Queenie pointed to the bowl that was on Newt's lap. I have no choice, do I Queenie... Newt thought as he looked down at the bowl in his lap. It was soup. Newt was never a fan of soup, but he kept that thought away from Queenie as he slowly began to eat.

When he finished, Queenie grabbed the tray and set it back on the nightstand, then grabbed one of the bottles she had set aside. Newt got a quick glimpse of what the label said, wiggenweld. He remembered when he first learned to brew that potion his first year at Hogwarts. It was an effective healing potion, and many times Newt used it on minor cuts. He had used it some times at school, mostly when somebody would duel him and he got hurt. Queenie grabbed Newt's empty water glass and poured the lime-green liquid into it. It bubbled, and it was thick.

"Here, drink this," Queenie instructed as she handed him the glass of wiggenweld then tended to the other bottles. Newt hesitated for a moment, remembering the awful taste, before gulping down the liquid, trying to block out the horrible taste. It smelled foul, and it tasted even worse. He tried to hold in a gag as the foul taste overwhelmed his taste buds.

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