Chapter 12

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(Tina P.O.V.)

Tina awoke to sunlight streaming through her bedroom window, illuminating the dust particles in the air. Queenie's bed was neatly made, and Tina assumed she was up and making breakfast. She got out of the warm covers and stretched out glancing at the clock as she did so. 7:48. She was late! She quickly got up and grabbed a white blouse and a pair of black slacks and threw them on. She rushed out the door to grab her coat and hat as Queenie began to say,

"Teenie, you'll have some breakfast won't you?" Newt sat at the table already eating his breakfast.

"I'm sorry, no time! I'm late! Why didn't you wake me up earlier Queenie?"

"I'm sorry..."

Tina sighed. "It's okay. I gotta go. Bye, see you later guys!" Tina apparated away into the alleyway next to MACUSA headquarters, for there was no time to walk from her apartment. She ran to the secret door and rushed inside.

When she entered, she nearly ran into somebody and she called back, "So sorry!" as she continued to run towards the elevators. Tina entered an empty elevator and told the house-elf,

"Madam Piquery's office." The house-elf pressed a button labeled MP, and the elevator started with a jolt as it started to move upwards. Come on, come on, come on! Tina rushed in her head, she couldn't believe she was late for this!

Just before she went to bed last night, she had sent a letter to Madam Piquery that she had some important information about Grindelwald. Tina had gotten a reply instantly, saying to meet the President in her office at 7:50 sharp. Now it was 7:51!

When the elevator reached the desired floor, it settled and opened its doors as Tina rushed out into the hallway. There were only a few other people in the hall; walking to wherever they needed to go. Tina walked at a fast pace down the hall until she approached a set of giant, dark wood double doors. Sadly, Tina has been here for a number of times, most of them, bad. The only few that have been good is when she was reinstated as an auror and when she was promoted to head of magical security. Tina burst through the doors and started to explain herself all in a rush-

"Madam President I'm sorry I'm late but I got up later than I wanted to but I have some information about Grindelwald after I was kidnapped-"

Tina saw Madam Piquery hold up a hand to silence Tina, and she did so as she clamped her mouth shut.

"You were- kidnapped?" Piquery asked, one eyebrow raised in question. "Uh, yes I was." Piquery looked at Tina for a second before saying, "I think you better sit down and start from the beginning."

Tina sat and started telling what happened from when she was called in for emergency lockdown when Grindelwald escaped right to the point when she made the letter to Madam Piquery. When she was finished, Piquery sat for a moment processing the information before she replied,

"So, Grindelwald has Mr. Scamander's case?"


"And he's planning on using the obscural parasite, that Mr. Scamander just so happens to possess?"

"Yes, I believe that is what he's planning." Tina truly did, she couldn't think of anything else Grindelwald would have wanted it for. But why did Madam Piquery say, that Mr. Scamander just so happens to possess? Did she think he was in on it too?

"I've been meaning to tell you, Goldstein, but we've just recently received information that gives us reason to believe that Credence Barebone... is still alive." Tina held in her gasp as she said,
"What? But, I-I thought he was destroyed last year..."

"That's what we all thought."

Piquery opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a file. She placed it on her desk and opened it, grabbing a photo that was clearly Credence.

"This-" she handed the photo to Tina, "-was recently taken in London by one of our most trusted aurors. I want you to go there and find Credence, then return with him. Do whatever you need to do to get him to come here. We need him safe."

"What about Grindelwald?" Tina asked.

"We have been hoping that he doesn't know that Credence is alive. But we cannot take any chances, we think he may still be after Credence's obscural power, and if he is, then we need to figure out why it is he needs the obscural parasite too." Piquery sighed. "I want you to put the best aurors on this case, and take them with you to London." Piquery handed the file to Tina and said, "Use this to help you. Good luck, Goldstein." Tina stood up, ready to leave.
"Thank you, Madam President." Tina turned and left Piquery's office, still processing the new information she received.

Credence is alive!

She couldn't believe it. But it just adds more problems to the world, giving Grindelwald more of a chance to gain great power. Why is life so complicated? She began thinking of aurors that she might want to have with her on this mission, but she slowly realized that she didn't even know what aurors were still alive after Grindelwald's escape. She felt so horrible for the fact that so many of them were probably dead, or majorly injured. Their families would be devastated. She didn't want to put other aurors lives in danger now. Not right after what happened with Grindelwald and his followers. Tina knew it was against Piquery's orders, but she had to do it. She would travel to London without other aurors. She would go alone. Or at least, not completely alone, she might ask Queenie and Newt to come. They would be more than enough company as it is.

Tina rushed home to tell Newt and Queenie the news and the mission she received. She was actually a little excited about it. She had never been out of America before, let alone New York City, and she had always wanted to travel around the world with Queenie.

Tina quietly climbed up the stairs in the apartment building until she reached the familiar door she had walked through so many times. She approached the door, preparing to tell Newt and Queenie the exciting news. As she placed her hand on the doorknob, however, she heard somebody say,
"No! Of course not! I don't love her!" Tina recognized it to be Newt's voice. At first, she was confused, before she thought that it was just Newt being bothered by Queenie, bothering him about his feelings for her sister. But then it dawned on Tina, she was the only one they could be talking about. Tina was the one they were talking about. And now she knew the truth. Newt doesn't like her. Only as a friend, they would remain. And now she felt a sudden feeling that she would be desperately lonely, for a long time. She felt sad. Tina didn't know why she had hoped for something much more with Newt, why she had let herself feel like she had a chance. Now her heart was crushed, and she would build a wall around it while it healed.

Tina held back the hot tears she could feel as she attempted to prepare herself to enter the room. As she turned the knob on the door, she heard Newt continue to say, "I don't love her, I love-" but she didn't let him finish his sentence, for fear of hearing the name she was so sure he would say. So she walked in before he could say, Leta. She knew he would say it, and she couldn't bear to hear it.

Newt was sitting at the kitchen table with what was most likely a cup of tea, and Queenie was washing dishes by hand, which she rarely did. Tina kept her thoughts clean of her feelings, and her heart throbbed as she did so. She pretended everything was fine as she cleared her throat, and said through her fake smile with such fake enthusiasm,

"We're going to London!"


And that my friends are the sad horrible ending of Chapter 12. Poor Tina. Completely heartbroken. But.... just like I said in my last A/N, there was going to be some drama. (Evil laugh) I know this chapter is short, but I was trying to get it done and up so people could read it. Tell me what you guys thought about this chapter. Until next time, bye!

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