Chapter 15

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(Tina P.O.V.)

Tina couldn't believe it. Newt wasn't here. He was gone. For what reason, she didn't know, she didn't care. She felt a fire deep inside herself, such anger towards him. Why did she care so much of the man that broke her heart? Why did she fight with herself, hating him but loving him at the same time? It blew a storm inside her, one she could not control.

And she really didn't like it. 

Tina moved to the desk that held the envelope, and as she approached she saw the familiar messy writing of Newt's, spelling out her name. Biting her lip to hold back tears, she picked up the envelope and stared at it. She deciphered whether to open it or throw it in the trash and soon the trash began to win her over. She placed it in the trash and she slowly began to walk out of the room, not glancing back, until she stopped in the open doorway, staring back at where she placed the envelope. She suddenly began to feel guilty, and her curiosity started to consume her as she stared at it longer and longer. Tina sighed and went back to the envelope, hastily opening it, ripping the seal to shreds. She grabbed the folded letter and opened it, nearly ripping it in half. She saw the scraggly writing she had seen many times before in Newt's letters, and it made her quite sad thinking about it. She looked at the top of the page and began to read what it held.

      Dear Tina,

I know I left unexpectedly. But I need to go look for my case, and I don't want to risk putting any of you- my friends- in danger. But I wish you all good luck with finding Credence. You can all still stay with my parents, I told them that some friends will be stopping by to stay. You will probably see my brother Theseus at the docks to pick you all up to bring you to the house.
But Tina, there's something I must confess to you. 

I love you. 

There is nothing that can change that. And if you never want to see me again because of it, I understand. But Tina, I had to tell you the truth, coming from me. 

        Yours forever,

   Newt Scamander

Tina sat on the bed, tears streaming down her face silently. She let the tears fall, splashing on the letter she held in her lap, soaking the page. She suddenly felt new emotions flood her, and some left her, never to come back.

Newt loved her.

It had been all a giant misunderstanding. Now she had a regret of acting so nasty towards him. She felt so many different things, she didn't know what to do.

But she knew one thing.

She loved Newt Scamander too.

And she would get him back. Tina wiped her tears away and stood up, taking a deep shaky breath to compose herself. She set the letter on the desk, and she walked out into the hallway, thinking of how to explain that Newt was gone, to Queenie and Jacob.

As she entered the kitchen she saw Queenie and Jacob sitting on the couch chatting, with their suitcases sitting at their feet. Jacob was the first to look up and see Tina, and he asked, "Where's Newt?" Queenie, don't you dare read my mind, I mean it. Tina thought as she began to speak to explain.

"Newt's gone." Jacob gaped at her and Queenie's face hardened, whatever that was about, Tina didn't know.

"He left a letter saying he wanted to go after his case alone, to not put any of us in danger. But he also said that we can still stay at his parents and that his brother- Theseus, I think his name was- would most likely be picking us up at the docks. " Tina finished, and Jacob looked lost for words and Queenie was staring at her feet, until she whispered quietly,

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