Chapter 18

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(Tina P.O.V.)

Queenie sat in the middle of Jacob and Tina on the long side of the Scamander's dining table, Harold, Hazel, and Annie sitting on the opposite side of them. To Tina's right, Theseus sat at the edge of the table, with his fiance Leta sitting at the other end. They had been introduced to her earlier before they sat down to eat, and Tina didn't feel one of the best connections with the woman. She had only given Tina a curt nod, without saying one word.

Tina looked up at the small crystal chandelier that hung above them, directly in the center of the dining table, and randomly thought of how difficult it probably was to clean the thing. Tina was only half-listening to the conversation that was occurring, and not until she heard the mention of her name did she fully give her attention. 

"So Tina, I heard your an auror?" Tina looked over at Theseus who had spoken, suddenly wondering why he had an interest in her job. And how it was he knew what her career was.

"Uh yes, I am. I'm head of magical security, actually." Tina replied, taking a bite of the roast beef Hazel had prepared. 

"Oh really? I'm an auror too." Theseus informed her, looking at Tina with mild interest.

"It's actually part of the reason I'm here. I'm on a mission for my job right now." Tina continued. 

"And what exactly is the other reason?" Theseus asked curiously.

"Well, I also came here to fi-" Tina cut herself off, for she was going to say, to find Newt, but that would make people ask questions that she didn't want to answer. A light blush began to form on her cheeks, and she was sure she could see Queenie drinking her water in an attempt to hide her smirk. Thankfully Tina didn't have to answer the suspicious look Theseus was giving her, for Annie then began to say, 

"Hazel, I think by far this is the best meal you've made in your entire life! I have to say your cooking has improved." The older woman had already finished half of her plate already, and Tina couldn't help but think of a vacuum cleaner, for Tina and the others had barely even started eating their own. 

"Why thank you, Annie," Hazel said, a small smile forming on her lips. 

"Let me tell you kids,-" Annie began, "-you all should have been there when Hazel here burnt Christmas dinner once! She was making ham in the oven and must be she had set the temperature too high or somethin', cuz next thing ya know the entire ham itself is on fire! Oh, Merlin did she have a freak-out! Hazel's blasting water out of her wand like a bloody maniac, screaming "It's on fire! IT'S ON FIRE!" and when she finally put it out, she served us all the ham anyways, and we all ended up having sopping wet, charcoaled ham for Christmas dinner." Annie finished her story laughing hysterically, and soon everybody else joined in too, except for Hazel, who had a small smile and said,

"I have to admit, it wasn't one of my best moments." This just caused Annie to laugh even harder until she soon started to have a coughing fit and she was wiping tears away. 

When everyone settled down again, Tina's stomach hurt from laughing so much, and Jacob was still giggling with Queenie while they gasped for air. 

They finished their meal with small talk of old memories and how Tina, Queenie, and Jacob had met Newt, and what their adventures together had been like. Of course, many of them loved to listen to Jacob's point of view since he was a muggle, and throughout the evening the new friends had all made new memories together. It made Tina sad though that Newt was not there to share them, but she was sure he would like to hear that his family had gotten along well with his friends. 

When everyone had finished their meals, Theseus and Leta said they needed to go, so everybody said their goodbyes, and as soon as the door closed behind the departing couple, Harold said with disgust, "I hate that old prune."

"Harold! Don't say that! She's your future daughter-in-law!" Hazel scolded, and Tina at first agreed with Harold secretly, but then felt guilty with the way Queenie looked at her. She didn't make the best impression Queenie... Tina thought. Queenie replied with nothing, ignoring her sister's excuse. 

"Well, anyway, I suppose I will show our guests their rooms, for it is getting late. Queenie, Jacob, Tina, follow me." Hazel said as she began to walk back towards the dining room. The three of them followed her, and she led them to a staircase that was off to the right of the room, and it led to a long hall with five different doorways that lined the walls. 

"You all can pick whatever room you would like to stay in. The toilet is the last door on the right. Goodnight everyone." Hazel walked back down the stairs, leaving the three there. Tina thanked her as she walked away, and she grabbed her suitcase that sat at the top of the stairs. She bid the other two goodnight before entering the first door on the left. She closed the door behind her, turning around and looking at the room she would be staying in. 

There was a bed located in the center of the right wall, and it was big enough to hold two people. It's top comforter was a pale green, and there were two nightstands on either side of it, a lamp on top of each. To Tina's left sat a dresser and in the corner, there was a closet door, and thankfully there was a desk in the room too. That way she had somewhere she could work on her mission. 

Tina opened her suitcase to grab her pajamas, and she looked everywhere to find them, but they weren't there. Instead, they were replaced by a bunch of revealing nightgowns. Really Queenie?! Tina cursed in her mind. Queenie must have switched out what Tina had packed when she had gone to go pack her own stuff. The point of making her wear revealing clothing, she had no idea.

Tina changed into one that was a light gray with black lace lining the edges, and when she finished putting it on, it was above her knees and it had a low v-cut, revealing more of her chest than she liked. But she had nothing else to wear, all thanks to Queenie, so she sucked it up and climbed into the sheets, cuddling the blankets. She looked at the nightstand on her left, watching the clock that sat there ticking. It was currently 10:28, and she wondered how the time on their first day here went by so fast. It's just like that saying, time flies when you're having fun. Tina really couldn't wait until morning, for it would be the first day Queenie, Jacob and her would go searching for Credence, and Newt, of course. It was a kind of a side mission of her own, and she was actually glad that she hadn't brought other aurors along, for she was sure they would not like to be looking for another person that wasn't on Madam Piquery's orders. 

Tina shivered, and she got a sudden feeling that finding Newt was not going to be easy. She couldn't help but think that something had happened to him, and she tried to tell herself that he was perfectly fine, that he could take care of himself, but she couldn't shake the thought. 

Slowly Tina drifted off to sleep, thinking of finding Credence and Newt, of everything going absolutely perfect.

But of course, she was wrong about that. 


Chapter 18! What you all think? I've felt pretty accomplished lately from posting like, 3 chapters within I think 4 days or something, and I've been working hard to just keep posting new chapters. So I typed this chapter on my laptop, first time attempting to use wattpad on the computer. And I have to say, SO MUCH EASIER TO TYPE, AND I FEEL LIKE EVERYTHING IS SO MUCH MORE ORGANIZED. IT MAKES ME HAPPY. I've recently been typing everything on my phone, so there is more of a chance of typos being in them, whereas on the computer I can actually NOT have typos, and it's just absolutely amazing. I'm rambling again... I'll stop. 

Please vote and comment, and have a good day/night and keep on reading!!


April 11th, 2019

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