Chapter 16

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(Newt P.O.V.)

Newt looked out at the water, his thoughts churning inside his brain just like it. He felt slightly guilty for leaving his friends behind, but he had to go. He had to chase Grindelwald for his case. He didn't want to bother Tina on her mission with tracking Credence down, and besides, Tina seemed to hate him anyways so he thought it seemed best for him to leave without saying goodbye.

He had taken an earlier boat to London since that was his best choice to avoid running into the others. He wished he had his case with him, to see his creatures again. He was worried sick about them, worried that they would starve to death or that they would get hurt. But at least he had Pickett and the niffler.

Newt headed back to his room, grabbing some food on the way. When he entered, the niffler was sitting on the bed, playing with a shiny gold coin. He handed the creature a small piece of bread, who sniffed it for a second before starting to eat it. Pickett poked his head out of Newt's pocket with interest and climbed out onto his shoulder. Newt gave Pickett a sugar cube as a special treat, and he sat down on the bed next to the niffler, putting his head in his hands.

"What am I going to do?" He asked no one in particular. He was asking the question for a lot of things, with finding Grindelwald, fixing his relationship with Tina... Pickett patted the side of Newt's face with reassurance, licking the sugar cube Newt had given him.

Newt slipped his hands into his pockets, feeling a cool metal object press against his right hand. He pulled it out, revealing to be a long golden chain with an oval pendant hanging at the end.

Tina's locket.

He totally forgot that he had it with him, and it made him feel guilty for not returning it to the correct owner. At the time, he didn't have the guts to return it to Tina, and he hated to admit that he still didn't. But at the same time, it made him feel relaxed having something of Tina's close to him.

The necklace dangled in front of him until a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Room service!" Someone said in a thick French accent. It confused Newt, he was pretty sure room service didn't come around at 6 o'clock in the evening. Newt took the niffler and put it into his extended inside coat pocket, and he told Pickett to climb into his front pocket. Pickett climbed in willingly, poking his head out just slightly to see who was behind the door. They knocked on the door harder this time, so Newt went to the door and opened it, revealing a man with a big bushy mustache, pointing a wand right at Newt's chest. Newt froze, too slow to register what was about to happen.

Before he could react, there was a small flash of white and his vision went dark, sending him collapsing to the floor.


So I know this is a REALLY short chapter, but I didn't have much for this chapter and I've been dealing with writer's block this week and it's so annoying. But I do have BIG stuff planned for the future. Keep on reading and have a good day/night!

April 7th, 2019

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