Chapter 14

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Hale had been vigilant, bordering on obsessive, in his pursuit to not only show Mae the truth but lock up the Sons for good. He'd heard there was a shootout, not in Charming, but close enough that he decided to take a spin around and have a look for himself. He rolled up to find Trammel on scene, scurrying around hiding evidence, or at least that was David's assumption.

Rolling his eyes as he spotted Hale, Trammel forced a smile. Clay had been sure to fill him in, he knew about Hale, Opie, and the sudden heightened interest in the club. "Deputy Chief, long drive so early in the morning."

"Early bird," he grinned and looked around, kicking through the shell casings on the ground. "Wild night for you it seems."

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with."

There was blood staining the cement but Hale knew he couldn't get to it, not with Trammel around. Ignoring the county Sheriff, Hale continued to walk through the alley. "Are you calling a forensic team?" He asked, his eyebrows raised high, but Hale knew he hadn't and wouldn't.

"I know how to handle my investigation." By sweeping it away, not only did Trammel work with the Sons but he had, while organizing things for Clay and the others, gotten to know LaRoy. Taking care of this quietly was good for all three of them.

"Do you know how to even conduct an investigation?" David had hit a nerve; he smiled and began to move away. Having Trammel call Unser or someone even higher could get him thrown off anything concerning the Sons and that wouldn't get him anywhere.

"You should head back into your jurisdiction, Hale."

"Have a good day, Sheriff." He said politely and swallowed his pride and driving off as Trammel pulled his cell out to call Clay.


They were still all milling around the main room of the clubhouse when Clay's phone buzzed. Swallowing his coffee, he flipped the burner open and answered immediately. Hopefully, Trammel would have some information for them about who had fired the shots.

"What do you have for me?"

Trammel laughed, he liked when it got right to business. "We found a dead Mexican three blocks from the alley. I don't think that's a coincidence."

"Mayan?" Clay asked eagerly, he was already gathering the Sons for church.

"CL," Trammel said, almost in disbelief. "You piss them off too?"

Alvarez was recruiting; Clay scowled and shook his head. "No, but it looks like brown is supporting brown."

"Piss poor support." He noted but didn't go further, club politics was not what Clay paid him for. "Hale was here this morning, sniffing around. Sent him off but I think we both know he'll be on my ass for a while."

Something had to give, Clay couldn't take another attack, legal or otherwise. "Yeah, thanks, I'll be in touch." Slamming the phone down Clay looked at Jax with an unholy scowl. It was more involved than they'd imagined.

"Calavares, that's who crashed the delivery last night." No one at the table expected that, they looked at their Prez, dumbfounded. "Trammel found one of them not far from the alley, dead. Least we got one."

"Mayan's outsourcing the dirty work," Bobby mused.

Chibs laughed, it was a weak crew for the Mayans to look to for help. "Looking to patch em' over?"

Jax's jaw clenched and he nodded. "Why else would they risk something like that?" He flicked his ash away. "Still doesn't answer why this even started. Is it just heroin turf?"

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