Chapter 11

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The first and only thing Mae and Opie did, after getting Kenny and Ellie off to sleep, was go to bed themselves. They were too exhausted, in every way, to think of talking about anything. Mae would have preferred the space of her own bed and privacy to think rather than stay at there but it was just easier. Opie couldn't actually sleep so he spent most of the night reading the manuscript Jax gave him.

Up early, as usual, Mae showered and waited with dwindling patience for Opie to join her. Leaning back against the stove she sipped her coffee slowly, there was still so much spinning in her brain. After the shower turned off and she heard his heavy footsteps above her as he dressed Mae poured and fixed some coffee for him.

Opie came down in jeans and a black t-shirt with his hair still wet from the shower, noticeably absent from his usual uniform were his cut and beanie. She had to admit, civilian Opie was just a small bit cuter than her badass biker but Mae loved him just the same.

"Morning." She smiled and gestured to the coffee. Mae had taken what was quickly becoming her spot at the table in hopes they could talk. It would be another long conversation, she was sure of that much.

"Mornin' babe." Before sitting, he pressed a hard kiss on the top of her head. "We have to talk about yesterday."

Mae nodded and pouted a little. "I miss when we just wanted to talk instead of always having to."

"It'll settle. It'll probably be boring soon." He took a long gulp of his coffee, it was still too hot but Opie needed it. "Who's up first?"

"You," Mae suggested. "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on in your head."

Taking a deep breath, he nodded and jumped right to the point. "Tig, Tig's the one who shot Donna." It was exactly what she suspected but Mae hid her reaction and waited for him to continue. "He thought it was me in the truck."

"Jesus Christ, Ope." She offered him her hand but he kept his on his mug.

"This ATF bitch, Stahl, she was hounding us, she wanted SAMCRO. Settled on me, pushed and pushed but I wouldn't rat. So, she set me up, tried to scare me into making a deal." He sat back, raking his hair from his face with an aggravated groan. "I thought we were good, me and Clay, the club."

"But you weren't."

He shook his head. "I went to them and I explained what she was doing. The debts they paid off and everything else but she bugged my truck and my cell, I didn't know so when Tig found them..." He stopped before his emotions could get the best of him.

"He and Clay thought you were lying." She couldn't help the way her chin trembled, she felt so awful for him. Opie nodded and she went on. "And then when you two switched cars so you could take the kids, Tig didn't know."

Mae gave him a minute, he sniffled and rubbed his face with the back on his hand in an attempt to stop himself from crying again. "Shit got dangerous for a while when I went after the crew they blamed, almost started a goddamn war just to cover their asses."

"What are you going to do?" It was the question he was asking himself all night as he tossed and turned, barely getting much rest. "What's going through your head?"

Having Mae there to talk things through meant more to Opie than he could ever describe, he couldn't do it alone. "I don't know, Jax knew but I get why he didn't tell me."

"Did anyone else?"

"That's the thing, no one but Clay and Tig knew then Jax, but he didn't find out until after. Everyone else heard yesterday." He shrugged his shoulders. "How do I blame the club? Hold it against them when it wasn't them, it was Clay and Tig."

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