15. Magical Moments

Start from the beginning

I nodded, still hesitant. "Come on sunshine, you trust me!" He said, his hand reaching the belt of his pants and I take my eyes off him, shy. This is why he asked me.

"I'm beginning to reconsider that...," I laugh, slowly. He smirks. "I'm sure you want to remove this gorgeous dress off your body yourself... I mean, I can do it too if you want."

"No thanks," I say immediately, as my hand reaches the side zip and I roll it down.

"Close your eyes!" I instruct him and I swear I could see him roll his eyes. "It's too dark for me to even see you," he cribs but closes his eyes anyway as I push the dress of my shoulder and let it fall to my feet before picking it up and keeping it over his clothes in the corner.

"Can I open my eyes now?" He asks and I close my eyes hesitantly as my hands reach my dress again. "I... I can't do this Manik.. I..." I begin covering myself with my dress when a hand grabs mine, and he pushes the dress on the ground again.

It was cold, a shiver passed down my body as I stick my legs together, my eyes to the ground.

"Look into my eyes, love," He whispers and I shiver again, I don't know if it was the cold or the intensity of his words doing this to me.

I look up into his eyes that still shone like stars in the darkness. "Your eyes hold enough beauty for me to even look at your body. Trust me, this one time," he whispers, softly taking my hand into his as we walk to the very end.

"Let's do this!" He shouts, enthusiastically as we look into the water. "THREE!" He shouts. "TWO!" I close my eyes, embracing myself.

We never wait for the One count as I feel a hard push and before I could figure out, I was in the air, the cold breeze running against my body. I could feel him, very much near to me as the water surface touched my body, pulling me deep inside before I was thrown out by the force, wet and happy.

I open my eyes, panting as my hands rub off the water from my face and I redirect my hair behind and Manik appears beside me from the water, doing the same— just that he wasn't panting or trying to catch breath or freaking out like me. He was smiling his best smile instead.

"Relax, I've got you," I feel his hands encircling my waist and my throbbing heart calmed down as I felt the warmth of adrenaline running through my veins and I flash a smile.

"This was totally amazing," I say catching my breath, "but still not anything a sane person would." I felt I was living a fairytale, or probably living the epilogue of the most beautiful story ever written.

"Well, life is all about being insane," he smiled, swimming to the corner as he sat on one of the rocks, his body still under water. I followed him, sitting on the rock beside him.

"No one in this world understands insanity. It would just leave you with scars," I teased and he raised his eyebrows.

"And so? You're scared or scars?" He asked, but never really waited for an answer. "We all have scars, some temporarily marked on their skin, while others have it permanently engraved in their hearts. But none of us go about showing our scars, do we? We hide them. Why? Scars are nothing to be ashamed of. Each scar that you have tells a story about you, it is a reminder that you've been through a lot, and you've survived. The scars are a sign that you're strong and you can do it, no matter what. Just as you wear you stars and achievements with pride, look at your scars with pride too. The strongest hearts have the most scars, and masterpieces are ultimately made of all those dents and scratches. Your flaws just make you more beautiful."

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