Chapter 29

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——time skip after the concert——
The guys told me to meet them outside at their tour bus so I was walking over right now. I met a lot of fans on my way there, they were all so nice and sweet to meet. I got to their bus and texted Jack letting him know I was outside. The door opened and I was greeted by Jack
"Aaaaand she's finally back" He says and let's me in.
"What took you so long we've been waiting a while" Jonah asks
"Some fans saw me and I took a little longer to talk to them and stuff" I respond and sat on one of their bunks.
"Alright well we're gonna head back to the studio to get some stuff then head home" Corbyn says
"I came in my car so I'll just drive to your guys' house and wait for you guys there"
"Wait I'll go with you" Jack suggests.
"Okay at least I won't be alone" I say with a small laugh.
"Okay drive safe" Jonah says. And Jack and I walk out the bus and see a crowd of fans outside that screamed as soon as Jack stepped out.
"Just follow me to my car" I say and Jack nods and grabs my hand.
"Are you guys dating!?" A bunch of limelights ask as we're walking.
"No we aren't" Me and Jack say at the same time. He hugged a few fans as we walked by them and I said hi to as many as I could. Soon we got to my car and thankfully no one else in the parking lot was here or else it would be full of fans. I took out my car keys but Jack took them from my hand
"I'll drive" He says and smiles and leads me to the other side of the car, and opens my door.
"Jack you really don't have to, I can drive us you must be exhausted from performing" I say
"Nope I'll drive us" He says and gives a cute smile. I get in the car and he gets in the drivers seat. We listened to music as he drove and I was on my phone. I looked up after a while and didn't recognize where we were.
"Jack this isn't the way home"
"I know" He says
"Where are we going?" I ask confused
"It's a surprise" He says and glances over at me and smiles
"Okay?" I say even more confused. Where is he taking me it's already late where would we even go.
Jonah💙: hey y/n when are you and jack getting home, we're already here
Y/N: idk he said he's taking me somewhere
Jonah💙: okay...where..?
Y/N: idk don't worry tho i'm safe with him. u don't need to be so overprotective lol
Jonah💙: i knoww just asking. have fun wherever your going! just let me know when your on your way home
Y/N: okay.
Jonah💙: okay gn y/n luv u little sis <3
Y/N: gn jo luv u too :) <3
I turn my phone screen off and look up to see us going up a hill. I didn't ask anything but looked up at the sky. It looked so pretty. Jack parked the car somewhere and got out. He walked over to the other side of the car and opened my door for me.
"Thanks" I say and continue looking at the amazing sky.
"Follow me" He says and holds my hand. I do as he says and followed him. We got to a tree with a swing on it and he sat down by it, leaning his back against the tree trunk. I sat next to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist bringing me closer to him. I layed my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the view of the sky from the top of the hill.
"The sky looks so beautiful" I say
"Not as beautiful as you" He responds and looks down at me with a cute smile on his face.
"How did you find this place" I ask.
"I come here whenever I wanna be alone. I've never brought anyone else here. It's calming to be away from everything in the quiet."

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