Chapter 15

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This is the bathing suit you decide to change into

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This is the bathing suit you decide to change into. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and walk downstairs in just this. I find Zach Jonah Corbyn and Daniel all in their black swim trunks. Eben and Jack we're here too but Eben didn't plan on getting in the pool and no one really told Jack we were. I stop at the bottom of the stairs and noticed both Daniel and Jack's jaw dropped seeing me dressed like this. I knew Jack would act like this but what I didn't expect was Daniel to act like this, it caught me off guard.
"You look great y/n" Dani says as he got up and walked to me, suddenly picking me up.
"Daniel what are you doing" I say while laughing. Zach got up and opened the door that led to the backyard where the pool was. Oh no I knew what he was gonna do. My eyes widen as soon as I understood.
"Daniel daniel daniel no no no please no" I said as he carried me outside.
"Nope" He ran and jumped into the pool with me in his arms. We both went all the to the bottom and swam back to the surface, ya know to not die underwater. The rest of the guys (even Jack) all got in, except Eben since he didn't have any extra pool type clothes with him.
"Yo Jonah! Dani boy and y/n would be a cute couple, just saying." Eben said as he followed everyone else outside. I turned to look at Jack, he look kinda annoyed but I tried not thinking about him right now.
"Hey Eben!" Jonah said back.
"Yeah bro?" Eben said.
"Do me a favor. And shut up" He said with a smile.
"No" Eben said with a smile back. Jonah rolled his eyes (they were just joking lol don't worry they don't hate eachother)
We started splashing water at eachother and messing around for an hour. I told Corbyn and Zach everything. Everything from last night and everything from the two times at the skatepark and everything from me and Jack's argument earlier. They were in shock but thought I did the right thing. I hoped they were right. After an hour Jonah and Zach got out which left me Corbyn Dani and Jack. Jack and Corbyn were on pool inflatable things taking pictures. I sat by the pool still but only had my legs in the water. Daniel soon joined me with s cute smile on his face, he sat really close but I didn't mind.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks while looking into my eyes. Gosh I loved his eyes so much I could stare at them all day...but that would be weird so uh yeah I won't.
"Good compared to earlier I guess" I looked down at the water and dipped my hand in and splashed him with water on his face. He gave a cute giggle and did the same.
"Hey Dani can I ask you something?"
"Yeah anything"
"Did that kiss mean anything to you? Like did you enjoy it...?" I ask nervously but avoid making eye contact.
"Honestly?" He asks. I look at him and nod. "Yeah kinda. It's really no big secret y/n but I have feelings for you, I really really like you. But you need time and I'm willing to wait until your ready and stable to be in a relationship"
"Dani...I think I have feelings for you too" I say. It wasn't a lie, I really was starting to catch feelings for him even though I know I still had feelings for Jack too. I loved both of them but I could only be with one. Daniel's face suddenly lit up along with slight blush when I said that.
"Really!?" He asks in a shocked tone, I knew he didn't expect me to say that.
"Yeah" What am I doing. I love Jack. But I also love Dani. Maybe if I get with Dani I'll be able to move on from Jack and Jack will move on to someone else. Maybe.
"Well I'm not sure if you would want to date me like officially but can we at least do what a couple would do?" He asks sounding nervous.
"Which would be what..?"
"You know all that cute couple stuff. Cute pictures together, holding hands, cuddles, kisses, late nights on the beach together, cute dates, movie nights. Stuff like that. We don't have to be official yet if your not ready"
"So a low key relationship with no official titles yet?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah that would be nice"
"So I guess we're dating now?" Dani says with excitement in his voice.
"Yeah I guess so" He didn't say anything at first and just pulled me into a tight hug. He moved me into his lap, I wrapped my legs around his waist, my head laying on his shoulder and we stayed like that just hugging. I felt safe in his arms. Until I heard a camera click. I lifted up my head and saw Eben.
"I'm totally posting this on my story. Sorry not sorry" He says as he clicks the post button.
"So are you guys together now?" He asks, Jonah and Zach walk out with a few pizza boxes.
"Yes" I said with a smile.
"Yeah we're together" Dani said while smiling, shaping his adorable tooth gap.
"I knew it would happen!"
"Knew what would happen?" Jonah asks as he walked over drinking water with Zach following behind.
"Y/n and Dani getting together." Eben says loudly, causing Jonah to choke on his water along with Jack and Corbyn to look up from their phones. Jack looked broken as he heard Ebens words. 
"Yep" Dani says with a smile still on his face. I loved seeing him so happy.
"Oh um.. well... congrats you guys" Jonah says. Zach gives us a 'what the fuck' look and I remembered I was still on Dani's lap with my arms around him. I scooted off of him and stood up.
"Thanks" I said to Jonah as I grabbed 2 pizza slices, 1 for me and 1 for Dani. I felt bad for moving on so quick. Daniel and I were laughing and making jokes I almost forgot about everything else that happened today. That was, until I looked over at Jack. I turned to see him staring right at me, or more like at me and Daniel. Dani noticed this and looked uncomfortable.
"I'm gonna go talk to him" I say as I got up and began to walk over to Jack who was still on the opposite side of the pool from where I just was.
I inhale and exhale a deep breathe before so got to him.
"Jack. Can we talk" I said as I reached for his hand and pulled him up, basically dragging him up to my room. I closed the door behind us  and sat down in my bed next to him when both of us look down and realize our hands were still intertwined. But neither of us pulled away...
"What did you wanna talk about" Jack asks.
Oh boy, here we go...
A/N: Plot twist and yet another cliff hanger. Y'all I swear this is a Jack Avery fanfic lol don't worry. Also don't forget to comment how you like the story so far and vote for this chapter, thanks :)❤️ I plan on updating again this week so be ready for that

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