Chapter 16

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"What did you wanna talk about" Jack asks.
Oh boy, here we go.... I took  deep breath in and out.
"I'm sorry Jack" I said while looking into his eyes. He didn't say anything but had a confused expression on his face.
"I'm sorry. I feel like I overreacted about everything. You know I love you and all but seeing you and Gabbie just seemed like you wanted to be with her instead of me. And I left you because I didn't want to be hurt again. And it sounds like I'm just making excuses but I'm not. I love you Jack. But I think I might also love Dani.. I just need some time to figure everything out. I hope you understand" I say. He took a minute to process and think about everything.
"So your solution was to; Leave me to figure out your feelings and get with Daniel while giving him false hope about loving him? Honestly y/n don't you think it would be better to just not be with any of us? I mean you just said yourself you still love me and also love him, your feelings aren't completely loyal to him and that's not how a relationship works" He said sounding slightly frustrated.
"We're not in an actual relationship. We agreed we can do everything a couple would do but I don't want any official "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" titles-"
"So your basically just friends with benefits" Jack said, cutting me off.
"No. But we're not together either. It's hard to explain, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I really thought we had something between us Jack. I thought last night meant something to you, but obviously it didn't." I say now looking down at the ground. We're still holding hands. I know it's wrong but I don't wanna let go and I know he doesn't want to either. I spaced out a few seconds while looking at our intertwined hands. Jack noticed and looked at our hands too. His thumb started rubbing my hand. I started thinking about what would happen if me and Dani actually stayed together.
Would I lose Jack forever? My feelings for him would most likely always be there. I know Dani really likes me but what if I lose feelings for him, and Jack loses feelings for me.. I'll lose both of-
"Y/n" Jack said snapping me out of my thoughts. I look back up into his eyes.
"Sorry I kissed you"
"It's fine-"
"No it's not. You dont want to be with me but I did it anyways and I shouldn't have done that"
"Yeah and I shouldn't have kissed back, but I did. We're both just as bad so you don't have to apologize for it" He nods in response.
"And about last night" He begins but I interrupt him.
"Daniel Zach's and Corbyn know" I blurted out.
"What how?" He says confused
"They kinda saw what started when we were on the couch and guessed on what happened when we were alone in the room..."
", that's kinda weird to know they knew"
"Yeah" I said. There was a bit of silence before he spoke up again.
"Can I at least try?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows confused by what he meant "Like can I try to win you back? I won't mess up this time" He says.
"Jack I don't know..." I said.
"I understand if you never want to get back together but just know I'll always be here for you. I'll never stop loving you y/n"
"I'll be here for you too Jack. And I know it's wrong but I love you too.. as much as I hate to say it, I do"
"It'll be hard but I'm willing to wait for you. I'll wait for you" He said with a small smile. Aww.
"We should go back downstairs before they get the wrong idea of us being up here" I say. He nods and we both stand up, still with intertwined hands. He was about to open the door when he turned around to face me and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back. I stood on the tips of my toes to wrap my arms around his neck and burry my head in the brim of his neck, he did the same with his hands around my waist hugging me tighter. His soft curls brushed against the back of my neck as we hugged. We stayed like that for a while not saying anything, just hugging. I started to space out when he hugged me together and I think Jack whispered
"I love you" But quietly enough for me to not really hear. We pulled apart from the hug and he gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. We walked out of my room and back downstairs to find all they guys (except bean) and Eben, sitting on the couch watching Netflix. Daniel was on the bigger couch(it fits 3 people) while Jonah was on the other one(only fits 1) Eben and Zach sitting on the floor like little kids. All of them except Dani were too focused on the movie to notice us. Dani gestured for me to sit next to him, I brought Jack to sit with us too. I sat in between Dani and Jack but closer to Daniel.
"What are we watching?" I whisper to him.
"The fifth wave"
"I love this movie" I said a little too loud.
"No one asked y/n" Zach said sarcastically
"Yeah we're trying to watch a movie" Eben says.
We continue to watch the movie with them.
Time skip 2 movies later
By now I was snuggled up on Dani's chest and he had his arms around my waist keeping me close to him. Jack didn't seem to notice since it was dark so he didn't have a reaction to this. We watched a total of 3 movies when Corbyn came downstairs and turned on the lights causing all of us to turn our attention to him. I playfully hissed and covered my eyes from the light.
"Ok I know your not a vampire y/n" Corbyn said.
"Ok well maybe I am CORbYn" He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes.
"Ok well I wanna play a game cause I'm bored as frick" Corbyn says.
"I'm out" Jonah says while walking up to his room.
"And then there were 5" Zach says.
"There's 6 of us smart one" Eben says.
"Oh shit well I can't count" Zach responds. "Truth or dare y/n!" Zach suddenly shouts.
"Is playing truth or dare just some type of nightly ritual you do Zach or what"
"Yes ma'am. Truth or dare" Zach says
"Uh dare I guess"
"Cool. Ok. Jump in the pool with Daniel"
"But I don't have my swimsuit on anymore and neither does Dani" I say.
"Just take off what you have on now" Eben replies. I roll my eyes and get up and so does Dani. We walk outside and felt the cold air.
"I swear Zach's gonna make us get hypothermia" Dani says. I giggle and began taking my shirt off.
"Wait were actually doing this!?" Daniel says sounding surprised.
"Yes" I say now taking off my leggings I had on, leaving me in nothing but a bra and underwear. Daniel only had his boxers on. I look inside the house and see them all standing at the door. Jack and Corbyn were standing inside but looking through the glass since only 2 people fit in the doorway. He had his hand over his...area.... and looked uncomfortable.
Oh fuck wait... is he.... God dammit Jack why do you have to be such a horny teenager. (lol in case u don't get it he gotta boner from seeing her get undressed) I turned my attention back to Daniel.
"You ready" I asked.
"No but I guess so" I grab his hand and we run into the pool and jump in. We swam to the surface and turned to look at the guys. Eben was recording, most likely to post on his insta story.
"It's so fucking cold I hate you Zach" I shout from inside the pool as I swam to the edge to get out. Dani and I ran to get our clothes and go back inside to the warmth. Corbyn grabbed us some towels to dry off. I put my clothes in the floor and dried myself with the towel.
"Hey Zach"
"I hate you" I say jokingly. He pretended to be hurt but actually wasn't. I look to Jack who still had his....problem.... going on. Me wearing barely any clothing and dripping wet in WATER (lol don't think wrong about that) probably wasn't helping.
Jack's POV
I hated myself. Why now. Why me. Out of all the times to be turned on it had to be now. Y/n was drying herself and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was just so beautiful how could you not want to stare at her. And no I don't just want her for her body, but her having a good body was just a bonus. Her amazing personality already made her perfect. Corbyn nudged my arm.
"Jack stop staring" He whispered, causing me to turn away.
"I'm gonna go upstairs real quick I'll be back" I say.
"I'll change in the in the bathroom down here I have clothes in there" Daniel said.
"Yeah me too I need to change" Y/n said as she followed behind me up the stairs. We both reached the top of the stairs and were standing in the hallway that connected all our rooms.
"Jack" Y/n suddenly said. Shit
I turned my head to face her then turned around completely. I tried my best to keep my hand over my crotch area because I didn't want her to notice.
"Um yeah? What's up" I say trying my best to look at her eyes and only her eyes.
"Umm are you good?" She says as she quickly looks at me down there then back at my eyes .
No no no no this isn't good. What am I supposed to say.'Oh yeah I just got turned on by seeing your almost naked body no big deal. Hey by the way any chance you wanna fuck again even though we aren't together' I sarcastically think to myself. What should I say.....?
"Um yeah about that...." I began

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