Chapter 17

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Still Jack's POV
"Um yeah about that...i- it's nothing" I say trying to not sound completely weird. She looked slightly uncomfortable so I continued to walk to my room. I forgot ours were directly across from each others so she continued to walk behind me. I walked into my room and turned around to see her waking into her room leaving her door halfway open. I closed mine all the way to not look in that direction.
I changed into some shorts and walked into Dani's room to take one of his hoodies but didn't feel like wearing a shirt under. I put on his plain yellow hoodie it for me huge since it was 2 sizes bigger (he's tall and ur short so yeah) than what I normally wear but it had Dani's cologne on it so I kept it on. I walked back to my room to grab my phone and went downstairs.
"And she's back, just in time for your dare Daniel" Zach proudly says.
"Your still playing?" I ask as I sat on the couch, leaning my back on the armrest and my legs on the rest of the couch. Dani nods yes as he began to walk over to me looking kinda nervous. "What's your dare?" I ask confused.
"Well I'm guessing Zach was getting revenge on Dani boy over here for making him almost lose a spider in his hair sooooo Daniel now has to give you a hickey until you moan" Corbyn said.
"Wait what. Um 1 wow Zach 2 Zach how did you have a spider in your hair?"
"Y/n stop stalling and just let Daniel do his dare already you know you want him to"
"Zachary. Shut up"
"Oooooh you didn't deny it" Zach said back.
"Zach your such a child sometimes" Corbyn said with a small chuckle. Causing Zach to roll his eyes.
Daniel sat next to me on the couch so I moved my legs to not be in the way for him to sit. We sat there facing eachother.
"We don't have to if you don't want to it's just a stupid dare-"
"No. Do it, you can't back out of a dare" I said as I moved the hood of his hoodie for him.
"Damn Daniel did you already do all that" Eben asked as he saw some other hickeys on my neck. Fuck I forgot Jack did that last night.
"Nope" He said, causing everyone to go silent, they were probably wondering who made them. Dani started to slowly lean in and kiss me. His soft lips met mine.
"I'm gonna look away and just wait until y'all done with this dare" Corbyn says.
"Yeah" Zach's and Eben day at the same time.
Dani began to slowly trail kisses down my neck he kept kissing/sucking/biting looking for my sweet spot. He found it and started sucking and biting it even more. I closed my eyes shut. God he was good at this. I thought to myself.
I knew the dare would be done when I moaned which was kinda weird. I liked how this felt so I bit my lip and tried to hold them back. Dani moves his lips down to my collar bone and back up to my sweet spot once again. I let out a quiet yet hearable moan. He pulled away and looked at my neck to see what he left. There was one specific hickey he left that was a dark purple and super noticeable.
"The dare is some guys" Dani said to the rest of the boys. They all walked back from the kitchen and into the living room to us. Zach was the first one to see the huge purple mark Daniel had left and his jaw dropped. He obviously was still shocked Daniel actually went through with doing his dare, honestly I was too.
"Oh shit Daniel I didn't think you were actually capable of doing that to someone" Eben says as he saw my neck. Corbyn just stayed quiet.
"Well I guess I am" Dani said with a small chuckle.
"Someones a lil cocky" Zach said
"Oh another thing we have in common" Dani said as he playfully punched Zach's arm, he did the same to Dani.
"Anywayyy it's getting kinda late so I'm gonna get to bed." Corbyn said as he walked up to his room.
"Yeah me too. I've been up for over 24 hours I needs my beauty sleep" Eben says as he walks away pretending to do a sassy hair flip.
"Welp I guess we're done" Zach says as he walks to his room, leaving me and Daniel alone.
"Soooo that experience" Dani said
"Yep that's something you could call it" I responded with s small laugh.
"That doesn't hurt does it?" Dani asked as he reached to touch the dark mark he had left.
"Nah it's fine, Jonah might want to kill you though" I said as I fixed the hood of the hoodie to confer it up.
"Hopefully not" He says with a cute laugh.
"Ooh we should facetime Christina! She's my best friend" I said as I pulled out my phone and began calling her. I leaned on Daniel so my head was resting on his chest and his arm was around my shoulders.
"Oh and she kinda has a huge ass crush on Corbyn" I said to Dani right before she answered the call.
"Hey Christina!!" I say interrupting her off before she could say Jack's name. "I'm here with Daniel" I say as I moved the camera up to show his face.
"Hey" He said with a smile showing his cute tooth gap. Christina looked confused
"Wait wait wait..are you...together ?"
"Yes and no" Me and Dani say at the same time.
"We do what couples do but we don't have official titles because I'm not ready for an actual relationship yet" I say moving the phone camera to show both Dani and I.
"So friends with benefits"
"No w-"
"OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. Y/N!!!" She shouted
"What" I ask as I turn the volume down a bit
"IS THAT A HICKEY ON YOUR NECK!!??!?" She asks, I look at my neck and see the hoodies hood moved, exposing the dark mark Dani had left and the ones from Jack the previous night.
"Yeah b-"
"Ok ok ok ok if you and Daniel are gonna be doing this type of stuff let me speak with him, as your best friend I must approve of him first." Christina says. I laugh and hand my phone to Dani.
"Hi Daniel, you seem like a nice guy and all but there's only a few rules to dating my best friend. 1 Don't break her heart or Ill have to break you face. 2 Make her happy because she should never be sad . 3 Don't have sex with her unless you use protecti-"
"Woah woah woah um, chill. We probably won't do that or at least not anytime soon so uh don't worry" Dani says cutting her off in her last sentence.
"Ok well I'm just saying, y'all don't want any diseases or accident kids sooooo" Christina says as I grab my phone back.
"Alright well I gotta go bye Chrisy!!"
"Alright I'll dm him the list of rules. Bye y/n goodnight"
"Night" I say as I hang up. I lean on Daniel's shoulder again.
"We should probably go to bed"
"Can we stay here? Your wayyyyy more comfortable than my bed"
"We can stay in my room?" Daniel suggests but I'm already falling asleep again. He lets you it a small chuckle "Your so cute y/n" He says as he brings me closer to him, I snuggle up on his chest. I smiled as I started to fall asleep knowing I had him here with me. He whispered something but I was already asleep so I couldn't heard him.

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