Chapter 28

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"Can i come in" I asked Jonah while standing outside the room by the door.
"Yeah" He said and grabbed his phone not even bothering to look at me.
"Are you mad?" I asked hesitantly as I sat next to him.
"Yes. No...I don't know y/n. I thought we could tell eachother everything but why did you never say anything aboout you and Jack" He says and turns his phone screen off but still doesn't look at me
"I just thought you wouldn't want me to be with any of them" I respond
"Yeah I didn't. But if he makes you happy you know I wouldn't care" He says. I didn't say anything but I nodded my head. "So did anything ever happen" He asked. I look at him confused "With Jack. Did anything ever happen between you two before you got with Daniel" Jonah re-asks.
"Yeah" I responded quietly.
"Like what.." Jonah asks
"Well um the night of that one party we um.. wekindamaybehadsex" I respond. His eyes widened, of course he wasn't expecting that.
"Okay. Um, alright. Yeah we should get back with the guys we still need to rehearse" He says and gets up, avoiding the now awkward conversation.
"Yeah we should do that" I say and get up
"But y/n"
"What" I say and look up at him.
"Just..tell me these things next time, okay? I won't judge you and you know I'll always be there for you no matter what stupid situations you might put yourself into" He says and hugs me
"I will. I'm sorry I didn't"
"It's fine" He says and let's go of me.
"So are you and Jack getting together" He asks as we start walking back to the stage
"No I'm not ready for another relationship yet especially since I'm moving to Hawaii for filming soo-"
"What" Jonah says and stops walking
"Oh right. I'm moving to Hawaii for a while to film the movie" I say nervously
"What!? When do you leave"
"In two days.." I respond quietly.
"Well yeah of course but I still need to pack and all that stuff later today. We can spend all day together tomorrow"
"Okay we better. But I'm so happy your living your dream y/n" Jonah says
"Thanks to you" I respond as we got back on the stage.
"And the dynamic duo is back" Zach announces "Is everything good?" He asks. Jonah and I look at eachother then back at the guys
"Everything's good" I say
"Yeah we're good" Jonah says "How bout you and Jack" Jonah asks Daniel
"We're good too" They both say at the same time "Woahhh" They both say,again,amazed by them saying the same words at the same time.
"Guys we should get ready for limelight" Corbyn says.
"Oh shoot your right" Jonah says as he looked at the time on his phone.
"Alright I'll go wait in the bus for you guys later" I say and start to walk out
"Wait no" Jack says and grabs my hand
"You have to watch us perform cmon it'll be fun" He insists and gives sad puppy eyes. I couldn't resist his adorable face
"Fine but I don't even have a ticket" I say
"You don't need on just go sit in the vip balcony and wait for us. We'll text you when limelight is over" Corbyn says
"Alright I'll go up there then." I say and walk up the stairs to up the vip balcony.

I'll Always Love You || Jack Avery x Reader Where stories live. Discover now