Chapter 26

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I woke up at around 9 so I got up, took a shower and did my hair and makeup by the time I was done it was 10:30 so I went downstairs to grab something to eat before I left. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen in a black tube top, pink and white jacket, and light blue ripped jeans.
"Hey" Dani said as he looked up from his phone.
"Hey" I said and sat next to him and went on my phone. I heard footsteps coming downstairs and looked up to see Corbyn.
"Hey Corb-" Daniel says but gets cut off by corbyn
"Y/n we gotta talk" Corbyn says.
"Um okay? About what?" I say confused
"Just come with me" he says and walks over to me. "It's about you and Daniel" He whispered and pulls me up from my seat.
"I'll be back Dani"
"Okay I'll be here" He respond and looks back at his phone. I followed Corbyn upstairs to his room and he closed the door behind him.
"When are you gonna do it?" He asks sounding annoyed
"Do what?" I say confused
"When are you gonna break things off with Daniel" He repeats
"Oh....right..that. Um...i don't know" I respond
"Well you have to do it soon because I just talked to Jack and he misses you y/n. You don't understand how much you mean to him he's willing to sacrifice what he really wants just for you to be happy" Corbyn says. I didn't ever really think about it that way. I checked the time and saw it was 11.
"I'm really sorry but i gotta go it's about my part for the movie I'll see you later tho" I say and walk out his room
"Go to the venue were performing at after. We'll be rehearsing but you can be there" Corbyn says and follows behind me
"Okay well bye bean. Bye dani" I say and wave bye to him and Corbyn. Daniel waves bye back.
I borrowed Jack's red jeep and drove to meet up with everyone at the meeting. At 11:57 I found a parking and walked into the building and into the room with everyone else.
"Ah y/n marais it's so nice to finally meet you. I'm Juan Antonio Garcìa Bayona but you can call me J, I'm the director for the movie I've heard many great things about your acting skills" J says as I walk in and shakes my hand greeting me.
"yeah nice to meet you too"
"well we're just all in here getting to know eachother and all the information. Here's your plane ticket to Hawaii which is where we'll be filming our movie and we leave in 2 days"
"Oh okay cool" I say but inside start to panic.
I'm gonna have to leave Jo. And Jack and Daniel and the rest of the boys and just when we were really starting to have so much fun.
—time slip after the meeting—
I walked to my car and got in but just sat there to think about everything.
I'm telling Daniel I can't be with him and talking to Jack about everything when I get to the venue. I started the car and drove to where the address was. I walked in through the back since there were already a few fans by the front entrance. I walked in and found Zach
"Hey y/n you finally came"
"Hahah yeah it took a little longer than expected"
"Oh um I'm not smart so can you see if you can fix this mic? It's not tiring on but the on button is on"
"Oh yeah sure" I say and try to figure out what was wrong with it while we walked in and went backstage with the guys. They were on the stage rehearsing and I stood by the side entrance to the stage.
"Y/n we need to talk now"
"Oh um okay. Does this mic work cause I don't want it to be in while we talk" I say
"It isn't working so we're fine. But when are you gonna tell Daniel? You can't keep being with him if you don't feel the same way about him like he does with you" Corbyn said.
"I don't know Corbyn. I might do it today because I'm leaving to Hawaii in two days to film the movie so I can't just leave him hanging."
"And Jack?" Corbyn asks
"What about him?" I respond back
"What's going on between y'all cuz I know you guys have at least some history together"
"Ok yeah maybe I do have feelings for Jack. Maybe I even love him. Sure he hurt me but I still love him and I want to be with him-"
"Y/n the mic is on" Zach said as he ran to me and Corbyn
"What!? Since when!?" I say worried
"Since Corbyn asked what's going on between you and Jack" Zach says
"Fuuuuuck" Corbyn whisper shouts.

I'll Always Love You || Jack Avery x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora