Chapter 1

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messages with jonah

Jonah 💙: Hey y/n are you on your way to the airport yet?
Y/n: Yeah I'm in an Uber on my way there. The flight is at 2pm right?
Jonah 💙: yeah
Y/n: Okay! Thank you so so so so much Jo you doing this means the world to me 💙
Jonah 💙: Yeah of course anything for my little sister... just promise me one thing..?
Y/n: Yeah anything
Jonah 💙: Please don't date any of the other boys I don't really feel comfortable with that and I don't want them to hurt you and you know I'm overprotective of you.
Y/n: Don't worry I won't
Jonah 💙: Thanks, they also already agreed to this too btw
Y/n: Oh and you did clean out the guest bedroom I'm staying in right?
Jonah 💙: Yep has Zach do that earlier
Y/n: I'm at the airport I'll text you when I land. Love ya Jonah 💕
Jonah 💙: Bye y/n love ya too🖤 have a safe flight!
Time skip
Y/n: Hey Jo we just landed you can start coming to the airport now!
Jonah 💙: Ok we're on our way
Jonah 💙: I brought the rest of the band with me
Y/n: Ok! I can't wait to meet them 😁
Jonah 💙: Were at the airport where are you
Y/n: By the gate exit, I just got my luggage
Jonah 💙: Alright I'll go get ya
Y/n: I SEE YOU!!
end of messages with Jonah.
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I see Jonah through the crowd and immediately run to him. I jump into his arms giving him a tight hug and he returns the hug.
"I missed you so much Jo" I say still hugging him.
"I missed you too y/n. Cmon I want yo to meet everyone else they stayed behind at Starbucks getting me a coffee" He says as he takes me luggage and carries it for me.
"Ah I see you still have a coffee addiction" I say laughing causing him to laugh too.
"Yep always have, always will" We continue waking and find the boys all sitting on the floor. "Guys there's chairs right there" Jonah says gesturing to the available waiting seats in front of them. They began to get up.
"Yeah but there's more room on the floor" Says the tall boy with rosey cheeks and combed hair, he begins to walk to me.
"Hey I'm Zach, 17, single and ready to mingle" He says with a smirk on his face. Jonah elbows his arm "ow I was kidding"
"Well I'm y/n, Jonah's little sister you already know that but yeah" I say beginning to feel nervous I don't know why.  The one with curly hair that looks like ramen noodles walks up to me now
"Hey I'm Jack" He says smiling as he opens his arms out for a hug that I return. We pull away and I slightly blush, he's the cutest of them in my opinion.
"I'm Corbyn, also know as chev" The tall blonde says. I giggle and give him a hug too
"And last but not least me, I'm Daniel" I hug him too.
"Ahh I can't wait to get to know you guys better you all seem really nice!!" I say as we walk out the airport. We get to their car, Jonah and Zach sit in the front seats, Daniel and Corbyn sit in the middle seats, and Jack and I sat in the back seats. I mostly talked to Jack on the drive. I fell asleep halfway through the drive though since I had jet lag. I slept until we pulled up into the driveway of a huge house and Jack tried waking me.
"Hey y/n we're here you can wake up now" he whispered in my ear trying to not be loud. I slowly open my eyes to find myself laying my head on Jacks shoulder while hugging his arm. I quickly pull away from him and feel my face heat up.
"S- sorry"
"It's fine" he says with a small laugh as he runs his hands through his curly hair. I look out the window and see the huge house
"Wow... you guys live here!?"
"Yep, Cmon lets go inside" Jack says getting out the car opening the door for me. I get out and realize the rest of the boys except Jonah are already inside bringing in my luggage.
"I'll show you your room" Jonah says walking inside as I follow him, Jack walking behind me. We go up the stairs and find a hallway of bedrooms.
"Yours is the one all the way down the hall" Jonah says pointing to the last room. I walk inside and immediately jump onto the bed.
"Thanks its a great room" I say sitting up in the bed as Jonah sits next to me.
"We were planning on watching movies later tonight if you wanted to join"

I'll Always Love You || Jack Avery x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin