we're going to run down the middle

902 17 2

Luna Byers


I stand between the twins as we wait for Tame Impala to come on stage. I haven't stopped smiling, my cheeks are starting to hurt. But I don't care, I've been waiting for the moment for a while now.

The only downside is Emma, Melody, and Olivia is here with us. But I'm not focusing on them.

Grayson and I both let out a scream/yell when they finally come on stage. I latch on to Ethan, jumping with him to the music.

I move away from Ethan and back to Grayson. I sing in his face and he laughs, putting his arm around me so we can dance together.

The movement makes me blush, making even more butterflies erupt in my stomach. His arm on my bare stomach is making me feel a way I've never felt around him.

My back is pressed to his body, both of us dancing to the music still. I smile at Bryant when I see he's recording us both.

"I love this song!" I squeal when I hear the beginning of 'Eventually'.

It was the first song Grayson played for me.

Grayson wraps both arms around me and sways us to the song. My arms are in the air as I sing along. Grayson is singing in my ear which makes me chuckle since he isn't the best at singing.

"Gray, we're going to Cudi now" Ethan says before the song even finishes.

I pout but go with the twins, not wanting to be left with people I don't like.

" We're going to run down the middle" Grayson says, his eyes lighting up.

He grabs my hand before pulling me to run down the middle with him. We both let out screams as we run. I probably have the most ridiculous smile on my face as we do it.

We reach the end and we both laugh with each other, Bryant and Ethan soon joining us.

This is the happiest I've been in a long time.

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