what did you expect him to do?

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Luna Byers


The song ends and I stop dancing. I turn to Bryant with a grin on my face. He lets out a small laugh before leading me to where Ethan is.

Grayson walks behind me. Through Kaceys set he had his eyes on me, occasionally putting his hands on me as a way for people to know not to come up to me. Ethan ran off somewhere, only Bryant knows where.

When I see where he ran off to my blood boiled.

"You've got to be kidding me" I say to Grayson.

"What else do you expect from him?" He chuckles. "Come on. Let's go get food, we can deal with E later".

He lightly grabs my hand as we walk together.

"I'm excited for tomorrow" I say. "Cudi and Tame Impala, it's going to be so good. Thank God you forced me to listen to them" I laugh.

"I forced you to listen to them because I knew we were bringing you here" he pauses. "Also because I know you better then you know yourself, I knew you'd like them".

I blush at his words, knowing that what he said is true. Sometimes it feels like the twins can read my mind. They really do know me better then I know myself.

I'm closer with Ethan but Grayson seems to always know more about me. He can read me very well, he always knows when I'm not okay, and he always knows when I'm uncomfortable. He even knows when I don't like a certain food.

It weirded me out for a while but I got used to it.

I pay for our lunch before we go to sit somewhere on the grass together.

"Just seeing Emma and Melody pissed me off" I confess. "Seeing Ethan with them annoyed me even more. He told me he moved on, why did he have to ruin that?"

I let out a small groan and Grayson laughs.

"What did you expect him to do? See Emma then completely ignore her?" I sigh.

"You're right".

We finish eating, talking about the other artists we want to see before The 1975 and Childish Gambino is on.

We both stand up and I almost fall into Grayson because my foot is dead. Why was I sitting cross legged?

"You alright?" Grayson balances me out.

"My foots dead".

He laughs, wrapping an arm around me to keep me steady. We walk to a random stage with a random band playing on it.

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