you look beautiful

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Luna Byers


I step out, ready to go to day 2. Grayson is sitting on the couch by himself. I sit beside him and his eyes widen at the sight of the clothes on me.

"You're wearing that?" He asks.

"Yea? What, does it not look good?" I begin to panic.

"No, you look beautiful. It's just- don't worry" he shakes his head.

"Okay then" I frown. "Where's the other two?"

"Taking photos".

I stand up, feeling Graysons eyes on me as I walk out to join the other two. As I approach them I hear Graysons footsteps behind me.

The twins look good together. Today is definetly my favourite outfits of theirs. They kinda match. It's cute.

"You look good Luna" Ethan smirks when he sees me.

"Thank you" I smile, pulling down my crop top a bit. "You look good too. But Bryant looks better, then both of you".

The twins fake pout while Bryant cheers, laughing at the other two.

"Okay okay, come on let's get photos".

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