It was a very awkward situation for me and I didn't know how to get out of it.

"Dinner's ready!" Theresa shouted, leaving the kitchen. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Forsythe, who was amused by the whole situation.

"Go, girls," I said, and my daughters ran to the table.

"Where are Jughead and FP?" I asked, and Forsythe sighed quietly.

"They should come soon." FP took Jughead to the race track."

FP took his son and went with him unknown where. He knew I would be supper. After all, he organized the dinner himself. I understood that he wanted to spend time with his son, but ... he shouldn't stand me up.

"Let's go eat, we won't wait for them" I whispered and went to the dining room. I sat next to my daughters and got into conversation with Theresa about new curtains in the living room.

Minutes and even hours passed, and FP hasn't appeared yet. I was sorry about that and apparently, my girls were not too happy about Jughead. Some three hours after dinner, FP and Jughead returned home.

"It was great, dad!" Jughead shouted as he walked into the living room. Behind him came the surprised FP.

"What are you doing here?" he asked quietly, and I rolled my eyes.

"I came for our dinner," I smiled slightly at him.

"I forgot about it, I'm sorry," he said and sighed heavily. "Come to my office, please" he looked at me and I shrugged.

"Let's go."

"Can you explain to me why you were not at the supper you invited me to?" I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to spend some time with Jughead." The children teased him today because of Gladys, "he said and sighed heavily.

"Where were you?" I asked, and my voice sounded a bit accusing. I did not want FP to take it negatively, but apparently, he did.

"Don't talk to me like that, Alice." FP came to me and I stiffened.

It wasn't the same nice, charming man I saw a few minutes ago.

"We were on go-karts," he replied calmly.

"And what about Gladys? Did you See her grave? " I looked at him. I decided to pretend that I didn't know more about his wife.

"No. I will not go with Jughead there because I know it's hard for him," he shrugged, and I nodded.

I didn't believe him.

"Will you take me to her grave?" I asked and looked into his eyes. He winced slightly.

"I will definitely, but not now," he muttered and tried to touch me, but I moved away from him. Tears appeared in my eyes.

"What happened, Alice?"

"Why are you lying?" I asked quietly. I felt hurt because now I was sure Gladys was alive.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he grabbed me by the shoulders. I broke free from him.

"Gladys is alive, she's not dead," I said, knowing I was treading on thin ice. I had to trick him. FP's face has gone white.

"How do you know?" he asked resignedly, and my heart ached with my pain.

So that was the truth. Gladys was alive.

"Now I know" I whispered.

I felt cheated again by this family.

"I wanted to protect you" FP grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry that I lied to you"

"It's nothing new. You've been lying to me since I can remember." I looked at him with pain in my eyes. "I need to go. Girls have school tomorrow ..." I went to the exit.

"I need to be sure that you will not give up our relationship," he said firmly, and I nodded slightly.

"Time will show" I left the room.

I heard he was following me, but I didn't care.

"Betty, Polly, dress up. We're going home," I said with a smile.

Theresa and Forsythe looked at me surprised.

"Why are you going now?" A woman asked, and I looked at her.

"Forgive me, Theresa, but I can't take any more lies," I just said and left the house with my daughters.

"Mom, what happened?" Betty asked as we entered the car.

"Nothing, honey. I'm not feeling good, you know," I lied, and my daughter nodded.

When I drove away, I turned on the radio in the car so my daughters would pay attention to music and wouldn't pay attention to my tears.

Fuck you, FP Jones.

Possession EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now