Rosabella's Letter

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Dear Daring,
I know you probably would not read this, because you're mad at me with Asher, but I'll spill it all out. I know you've been having the time of your life with Holly, but the past 5 months I've been regretting everything. I haven't left my bed, I have just been crying my eyes out. I know this won't do anything but I'll explain everything about Asher. I was only dancing with him because I was jealous that you were enjoying yourself with Holly. Being together is our destiny, but like Raven, she's writing her own destiny and you probably are with Holly. I'm not with Asher or anything, I cut him out of my life. I'm sorry Daring for hurting you, I'm so sorry. I would be more than happy to get back with you, but I would not want to interfere with you and Holly, so I will just support you guys as a couple. I'm super sorry, Daring.
-Rose Beauty

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