Chapter 14: Rivalry

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Holly O'Hair was a girl with very long burgundy hair. She was back to Ever After High from a vacation. Moreover, she was Daring's number one fan girl. She ran to her friends,
"Omg guys I'm back!"
"Holly!!!" Ashlynn, Darling, Lizzie and Blondie exclaimed.
"I'm here again after a long holiday. Eheh where's Daring?"
"Uhhh," Ashlynn looked down.
"Yikes," Darling looked to the side.
"Ummmm," Blondie turned around.
"Uhhhh well how's the weather do you think ahahah," Lizzie tried to change the topic nervously.
"What?! Did he move school?!" Holly started to freak out.
"Actually....he's over there," Blondie pointed behind her with her thumb.
"Who. Is. That. Girl? She's not Apple!"
"That is Rosabella Beauty....Daring's ummm girlfriend..." Darling spilled the tea.
"GIRLFRIEND?!" Holly screamed and everyone heard it across the corridors.
Rosabella just shrugged and continued walking with Daring.
"Oh my gosh, she took Daring away from me!" Holly started tearing up.
"Damn Holly, Daring was never yours," Blondie crossed her arms.
"Shut up,"
"Ever After High here I come! More like Rosabella Beauty here I come,"
Asher brought his suitcases and moved in to Ever After High's dorm. He was looking around the place, searching for Rosabella and then he found her, holding hands with Daring.
"Rosabella hey!" Asher ran up to them.
"Asher? Why are you here?" Rosabella asked.
"I attend here, also because I would like to see you everyday,"
"Ahem!" Daring disturbed and Asher completely ignored him,
"Can I call you Rose for short?"
"No you cannot!" Asher was starting to get into Daring's nerves now.
"Stop third wheeling, leave me and Rose alone!"
"Excuse me, I am the boyfriend!"
"You don't look like you are. Rose deserves someone better,"
"Are you trying to say, the most handsomest person in school AND the son of the King isn't good enough?"
"What if I am!"
"Then you're just an idiot! Respect the fact that someone you're hitting on is taken!"
"You little-"
"Guys stop arguing! Daring let's just go..." Rosa walked away.
"She'll be mine," Asher whispered.
Daring was dropping of Rosa to her room,
"That Asher guy is annoying me, the only charming one here is me. Don't fall in love with him the only man who you should love is me,"
"Of course, Daring," Rosabella replied.
They slightly kissed and Daring left.
Holly came running to her twin sister, Poppy who had short hair.
The twins both hugged.
"Oh no Holly why are you crying?" Poppy asked.
"Daring has a girlfriend!" Holly sobbed.
"Oh you mean Rosabella? She's the kind of new girl,"
"Why must my love of my life have a girlfriend?"
"Actually Sis, Daring never knew you existed.."
Holly's eyes widened in shame,
"Why wouldn't Daring be my Prince Charming?"
"Because he's Rosabella's Prince Charming?"
"From now on! I'm going to try and make him notice me,"
"Um ok sis uhh good luck..?"
Holly went to the Castleteria and found Daring sitting with Rosa. She sneakily walked towards them and sat next to Daring, holding his arm.
"And um who are you?" Daring asked weirded out.
"Holly O'Hair, I love you,"
"Gross," Rosabella interrupts.
"Leave me and Daring alone, newbie!" Holly ordered.
Daring freed his arms from Holly's.
"Daring why don't we sit somewhere else? Without Rosabella?" Holly flirted.
Rosa was acting snobbish.
"Actually I'd like to stay here with my girlfriend, or maybe move to another table here,"
"Oh I'd come!" Holly insisted.
"Um no, Daring let's just leave," Rosa and Daring left.
"It's so weird how people are saying they love us," Rosabella started.
"First Asher and now Holly?" Daring added on.
Speaking of Asher, he wasn't very far. He ran to Rosabella and hugged her.
"Rose!" Asher smiled.
"Excuse me, Asher. No one gave you permission to touch my girlfriend!" Daring was getting annoyed again.
All of the people in the castleteria were watching.
"You can get off me now, Asher. Um. Please?" Rosabella asked.
"You heard the girl," the jealous boyfriend said.
"Tch. Why does Rosabella always get the good looking guys," a girl said.
Holly wanted to join in as well,
"Daring, don't those two look good together? Like us,"
"That's true," Asher continued.
"Asher, get off me now," Rosa commanded.
"But I love you so much, I can't!" Asher talked back.
Cupid had enough of this,
"Okay you guys that's enough! Asher, Holly, don't get in the way of Rosa and Daring's relationship ok?!"
"Otherwise what?" Asher let go of Rosabella.
"I'm the daughter of Eros. I'm in charge of all this stuff!"
Secretly, the couple had run off.
"So can you match me and Daring together?" Holly dreamed.
"Fine we'll do it for ourselves,"
They both walked away.
Daring and Rosa day down outside, needing fresh air.
"Rose, what the hell was that?" Daring said.
"I don't know why they're after us. Just don't fall for Holly ok?" Rosabella replied.
"Of course, I won't. If you won't fall for Asher,"
"Pfft! That dude? Never,"
Their hands touched and Rosabella leaned her head on Daring's shoulder,
"There's only one person I'll ever fall in love with...its you, Daring,"
He blushed and could feel the warmth in his heart,
"Tomorrow's the dance, you ready?"
"Try me,"

Miss Clever Clogs Encounters Mr PopularOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora