Chapter 15: Dance disturbance

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"You ready for the dance?" Rosabella Beauty asked Darling Charming.
"I'm not going. I'd rather go on my own dance," Darling replied.
"Ah~ I see," Rosa winked.
Rosabella wore a beautiful yellow gown with roses on it. Her hair was down, in curls. She took a sip of water and walked out the door.
"Excited for the dance? Cuz I sure am!" Hopper asked Daring.
"Yeah of course. My first dance with Rosabella. What about you?"
"Yeah my first dance with Briar. She's just so ho-o- I mean UGH," Hopper turned into a frog,
"If only I don't turn into a frog and embarrass my dance,"
"I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't be nervous,"
"Easy for you to say. You got Rosabella with a blink of an eye.
"Hah, let's just go now,"
They both walked out their door and made their way to the hall. Rosabella was sitting down, waiting for her date. Daring spotted her and ran and ditched Hopper,
Daring suddenly stopped speaking as his rival, Asher touched his girlfriend's shoulder and sat next to her. He had the urge to punch Asher in the face, however Holly dragged him away,
"Come on, Daring!"
"Hey my beautiful, Rose," Asher greeted.
"Hey Asher..."
"Why the sad face?"
"It's just that Daring is kinda taking a while now..."
"Oh. Well I think I'd make you happy,"
"Really? Are you leaving?"
The guy's face dropped.
"Why are you trying to hit on me?" Rosabella asked.
"It's because I've been looking for a face like yours everywhere," Asher replied.
Rosa rolled her eyes.
"I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours everywhere,"
"Well...would you like to dance?"
"Not with you,"
"Come on, I lowered my standards just for you,"
"uHm eXcUsE mE?"
Holly started forcing Daring to dance with her,
"Where have you been my whole life?"
"Hiding from you,"
"Guess you're not very good at it then," the girl hugged him.
Rosa turned her head to the side and she froze in shock. She had seen Holly hugging Daring,
"You know what, Asher. Let's dance,"
"That works for me,"
The two started slow dancing and Rosabella tried to get a close up to Daring and Holly. Daring pushed Holly of him,
"What the hell, Holly!"
He walked away, but then saw Rosabella dancing with Asher and staring at him. He ran away.
"Daring no!" Rosabella pushes Asher away and ran after her heart broken boyfriend.
Daring slammed his dorm door and sat down on his bed, trying to process everything happening.
"Daring open the door!" Rosabella knocked aggressively.
"No! You should go back to dancing with Asher!"
"Daring, I can explain!"
"Just shut up, Rosabella...we should break up.."
Rosabella fell to the floor, in tears. Then walked back to the hall and encounters Asher.
"Hey Rose! Wanna see a movie?"
"No thanks, I've already seen it..."
"Well, will you go out with me this weekend?"
"Sorry I have a head ache this weekend...You know what I'll just go back to my room," Rosabella walked back to her room, in tears.
"Hey Asher, hear you like Rosabella?" Holly sat next to him.
"Yeah, she's pretty hard to get because she's in love with Daring,"
"Well did you know Daring is Rosabella's first love. And how many people marry their first love?"
"True dat, but it's Ever After. It's called destinies.."
"It's called we're allowed to rewrite our destinies,"
"I guess you're right!"
Rosa was in her bed crying. Darling walked into the room,
"Rosabella what's wrong?"
"Daring broke up with me because he saw me dancing with Asher! When he was the one dancing with Holly,"
"Hm. Let me go talk to him,"

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