Chapter 11: Her heart beats only for him

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King Charming (Daring and Darling's father) came to visit his children, Dexter, Daring and Darling.
"Hello my children! How are you guys doing in Ever After High?" He asked cheerfully.
"Good," they all responded.
"Well~ Daring how is your Prince Charming image? Are you being a hero?"
"Actually I'm the hero," Darling disturbed sassily.
"You're a damsel, sweetie," the king said and Darling seemed pissed.
"Are you still being Apple White's Prince?" The king continued.
"Actually um no. I believe I am Rosabella's Prince Charming..." Daring responded.
"Wow a beastly man you are," King Charming joked and laughed.
"What about you Dexter?" He continued.
"Um well. I'm in love with Raven Queen..." a boy with brown hair and glasses replied.
The man heavily gasped in shock,
"She's not going to be the future evil queen. She's writing her own destiny..." Dexter replied.
"Are you sure about that?" The king squinted.
Dexter nodded.
"Well set all that romance aside and just embrace that fact all your children are here, dad," Darling said.
"Yes of course. I do love my children,"
They all smiled.
Meanwhile Rosabella Beauty was hanging out with her Wonderland friends, Madeline Hatter and Lizzie Hearts.
"Sooo how's it like in wonderland?" Rosabella asked.
"Wonderlandaful!" Lizzie exclaimed.
"Now that the evil queen's curse is lifted everything in wonderland is normal...well in the wonderland way tsuhuh." Maddie continued.
"She's right. I get to see my mother a lot now that all portals to wonderland are open," The daughter of the Queen of hearts smiled,
"So how is your relationship with Daring?"
"Normal this and that," Rosabella replied.
"You know, I used to be in love with him..." Lizzie stated and Rosabella almost spat out her tea.
"USED TO," the girl tried to revive Rosabella.
"Until I overheard that Daring was in love with Apple, I gave up,"
Rosabella looked down in sympathy.
"No need to act pitiful, Queen of Hearts doesn't have a King of Hearts..." Lizzie fake smiled.
"Sorry, I'm dating your old crush," Rosabella apologised.
"Why would you apologise? I'm not affected at all since I don't care about him much. Also, I really do ship you two,"
Cupid walked up to the three and sat down at their table.
"Hey guys I heard you're talking about ships," an angel said.
Madeline giggled,
"This is C.A Cupid our lovely friend,"
Rosabella waved hi.
"Are you the girl dating Daring?" Cupid asked.
Rosabella nodded.
"I prefer Dexter. Too bad he's going out with Raven Queen," she frowned.
"Wait Raven has a boyfriend?" Rosabella never knew.
"You didn't know?" All three girls said at the same time.
The confused girl shook her head. Raven walked up to them.
"Hey, mind if I sit at this table?" Raven asked.
All four of them shook their head and she sat down.
"You're Rosabella? The girl dating Daring," Raven said to her.
"Um. Is that all people know me as? The girl going out with Daring?" Rosabella said sarcastically.
"Haha I know you from the headmaster's office," she laughed.
Ginger came running in with the speed of light.
"Rosabella!" She panted,
"I need your help for the cake,"
"Oh right," Rosabella waved goodbye to her friends sitting at the table and they both walked to the kitchen.
The cake was almost completed and the pair both needed to take a break.
"That was quite tiring," Ginger started.
King Charming walked into the kitchen, looking for Rosabella. Ginger gasped,
"King Charming?!"
"I'm here for Rosabella," he replied.
"I'm here," she replied half asleep.
"I would like to have a word,"
"Am I in trouble?"
"Not at all,"
Rosabella followed the king.
"I heard you're dating my son, Daring," he started.
Rosabella inside, was going to explode.
"Yes, sir.." she replied trying to act like she's sane.
"You're the daughter of Beauty and the Beast right?"
"Right, sir,"
"Do you think Daring is going to be the Prince Charming of your story?"
"Actually, at first I did not want to follow my destiny but just help animals in general. But now that I believe Daring is more in love with me, I don't mind my destiny occurring anymore,"
King Charming smiled.
"What if he's not your prince? But Apple's?"
"There are many princes in fairy tales. If Daring is not mine, at least I've experienced love from him in high school..."
"Is that right. Apparently, you have the highest grades in Ever After High,"
"Um yes. I'm a bookish person and an animal lover,"
The king realised that Rosabella is a true princess. She's lady-like as well.
"Well your son is the reason why I choose to live for my destiny..." Rosabella looked forward.
"I guess you heart only beats for him... what if Daring was bad looking and ugly?"
"Don't you know my parent's story? I see past on thing on the outside and not the inside,"
King Charming has thought to himself that Rosabella is the right princess for his son.
"Well ok sorry to bother you, Miss Beauty, you can go back to what you were doing,"
The confused girl then went back to the kitchen and resumed to their work.
Daring's mentor/tutor time was a bit delayed because of Rosabella helping Ginger with the wedding cake, however Daring was waiting in the dorm room hanging around with his sister. Rosabella looked dead since she was exhausted with the cake-making. She came into the room looking like a zombie. She let her body rest on the bed with her face on the pillow. All of a sudden, she remembered that Daring's mentoring was that day. She quickly got up,
"Oh sorry Daring I forgot that we had tutoring today. I'm so sorry I was busy with Gin-"
"It's alright, Rosabella. No need to stress yourself," Daring interrupted.
Rosabella smiled shyly. They both sat down at the table and started doing the papers as usual.
"Your mentoring seriously upgraded my intelligence really well," Daring said.
"Thanks I guess. One lesson with me and I can show you a whole new world," Rosabella winked and snickered.
There was a very long awkward silence.
"I guess not." She said very awkwardly and blushed.
"Well, I'm going outside and uh not doing anything mysterious at all ahah.." Darling crept out of the door.
Finally, the papers were filled with answers, so the mentoring was done. It was night at that time. Rosabella yawned and laid on her bed flat. Daring say next to her on the bed.
"Shouldn't you be heading back now, Daring?" She asked.
"Well Beauty, can I introduce you to my beast?" Daring joked.
Rosabella turned bright red. She grabbed her pillow and started hitting him constantly.
"Hahahahaha I'm kidding staahp," he laughed.
"Don't. Ever. Say. That. Again,"
"Anyway...Rosabella. You know that celebration coming up in EAH?"
"Would you be my date? My brother already has his,"
"I'm addicted to yes and I'm allergic to no so what's it gonna be?"
"Pfft. It's gonna be a yes. What were you expecting?"
"Such a Beauty so hard to get would probably say no,"
"Have a night as radiant as your smile," Daring walked out of the room.
"WOOOOW DARING," Rosabella laughed.

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