Daring's Letter

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Dear Rosabella,
I know you probably would not read this, so I'll just say everything. The past 5 months I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wanted to get back to you, but I was so sure you wouldn't want to listen to me because I was the one who broke your heart. I now come to think what's the point of breaking up when we're going to end up together anyway because of our destinies. I would be happy to be your beast, but I believe you wouldn't be happy to be my beauty. I bet you're already over me, having a great life with Asher, while I was always in my bed crying my eyes out. You must've seen me with Holly that night. It was because she made me dance like a marionette. I'm sorry, Rose. Even if I'm still in love with you, I'll let you go to Asher if that makes you happy. I'm sorry.
- Daring Charming

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