Herbs, liquids of some color, twigs, a couple of dead animals which at one point made me gag and almost throw up.

Damia opened her eyes as she removed a dagger from her robe and motioned for a guard to come to her. "Get it", she spoke and the guard walked upto me.

Despite being held in chains, I tried to back off. "NO NO DON'T COME CLOSER", I yelled to the guard who paid no heeds to my words. As soon as he approached me, he pinned me down to the ground while I kept screaming. Removing the dagger from its leather case, he took my arm and put a deep gash making me scream in pain.

Crimson blood trickled down my arms which he collected in a crystal bottle of sorts. As he moved away from me, through teary eyes I saw the entire bottled filled with my blood being emptied into the cauldron.

"Master, May I", Damia looked at James. With the same stoic cold expression, James extended his hand. Taking the dagger they used on me, she sliced a big cut on his arm and let the blood fall into the cauldron which started boiling rapidly.

Damia closed her eyes and began chanting furious spells which made the entire room rattle. Flames flickered and the screaming in the air increased. I don't know whose screams those were but I assumed they must be the spirits roaming the air.

James stood up and took a bowl before dipping it into the cauldron and filling it up with the magic liquid. Hungrily he eyed it before putting the rim to his mouth and gulping it all down. Damia's chanting grew even more furious as James's skin started glowing red.

The moment he parted the bowl from his lips, his eyes glowed stark black with red iris just like Taehyung's. The lines on his skin were even more deeper than him while his fangs grew longer. Tilting his neck a little he smirked at me.

"Thank you Nana. You just made me invincible"

I was shivering in fear. No, this couldn't be. If he did anything to Taehyung, it would be all my fault. My mind went numb. Nothing came in my head. All I kept feeling was guilt and anger and lot of fear.

"Take her", he commanded. "Prepare her for the ritual. Once I have you sacrificed, no one in all the three realms will be able to defeat me"

The guards swarmed to me as I was pulled up. I screamed for them to let me go but before I could do anything, I was dragged out of the room and the last thing I saw was James's smug face as he winked at me.


Taehyung panted for air as he looked at the sky above. They had climbed the mountain to reach the top. Behind him was Hoseok and Yoongi who were also tired at scaling such a large mountain. Vani was already there, her long hair flowing in the air while her black leather dress stuck to her body. She turned to meet Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung was surprised she didn't bow but that wasn't his concern right now.

"Now that you are here, we should begin. Jungkook and Vani, open the portal", he instructed them. The girl did nothing but just stood there and looked at him.

"Open the portal Vani, what are you doing?"

Before he could process anything, she burst into chuckles. Both Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other blankly. Why was this woman laughing like crazy?

"What portal?", she asked. "There is no portal here"

"What do you mean?", Taehyung asked. "The main portal to hell is right here"

"Was", she smirked. "Was here. Until we moved it away to Mt Fuji. And by we, I mean me and my dear brother James"

"Vani..", a gasp left Taehyung's mouth.

"Oh my dear Lucifer", she began. "Did you really think I was going to betray my brother for you? Did you forget? Blood is thicker than water?"

Taehyung looked like someone had sucked all the air out of him. "Vani you.."

"Yes, I fooled you. All I did was distract you so James could do what he wanted. There is no portal here. It was all a ploy to get that nasty angel girlfriend of yours. How do you think I found James for you? He willingly asked me to bring you his location to make you believe I was on your side"

Nana. Only one thought was in his mind. He went into panic mode but calmed himself for a second. Nana was with Jin. Nothing could have happened to her with Jin around. He wasn't called the most powerful angel for no reason. Even Taehyung would think twice before messing with him.

Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok were also frozen. None of them could believe that they let this bitch fool them.

"Nah", Vani chuckled. "I know what you are thinking Lucifer. That pathetic heaven rat couldn't save Nana. You wanna know why? Because just like you we fooled him as well using his son"

As those words left her mouth, all hell within him broke lose. But before he could lunge at her, Vani stepped back instantly opening a portal and letting herself fall within, missing Taehyung's grip by a mere millimeter.

With that the portal close and Taehyung fell to his knees, a loud scream erupting from his mouth as the entire earth shook in fear.


SeokJin landed with a thud on the road as around him time froze. Not sparing a second he ran straight to Jimin's apartment.

Seeing the front door open, his heart came to a standstill. Summoning some power in his hand, he walked ahead. The entire apartment was empty.

But on the floor were a couple of broken pieces of glass. A lot of them scattered around and a few drops of blood.

"JIMIN, JIMIN", he screamed loudly as tears formed in his eyes. No one replied and he fell to his knees crying.

Suddenly there was a loud thud on the door and Jin looked up to see Jimin standing there. His eyes widened as he saw the man with a black trash bag looking at him confused.

"Appa? What are you doing here?", he asked puzzled.

"Jimin", he couldn't believe his eyes as he ran up to the boy. "Are you okay? What happened to you? That phone call... and all this blood and glasses here?"

"Oh this. I was removing my new China set. But it slipped and fell from my hand. So I went downstairs to throw the trash. But I heard voices from the apartment so I came up to check. The blood is because I cut myself"

Jin was confused as fuck. "But you called me, saying you were in trouble and that they took you.."

"What phone call Appa? I made no phone call to you. I am perfectly fine"

At this moment Jin's eyes widened and his entire body shivered in fear.

"Oh god, what have I done?"

LUCIFER | Kim Taehyung (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now