Chapter 21

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Emilys POV

*6 months later.

It's been six months that I've been in this dumb ass hospital. But I'm in pain everyday. The boys come everyday to see me. So does mom and Skylynn and hayes. I want to take a nap. I've been so tired lately.

*my dream*

I'm in a strange place. I don't know. A man is walking up to me. Who is he? Where's taylor? And nash? And all the other guys.

"Hello Emily, I'm Jesus. We're expecting you later tonight." He said.

Wait why is Jesus here? I'm so confused.

"What do you mean? Where am I?"

"Your in heaven Emily. We wanted to bring you here for a little bit, before your here forever later." Jesus said.

"Heaven? I'm dead?" I asked.

"No. Not yet. Later tonight the cancer is going to take over. God tried to do everything he could to save you. We wanted you to stay on earth with that boy Taylor. He really does love you Emily." Jesus said.

Guess who walked over next? God.

"I'm god Emily. I'm so sorry. I really wanted to keep you down there but I'm sorry. I tried everything in my power."

"It's okay. I-" God cut me off.

"There seems as though you've already died. Rest in peace Emily. See you soon." God said.

I'm dead? No.

(End of dream)

I tried to open my eyes. It's black all black. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. Should I walk towards it?

"Emily please don't leave us. Don't walk towards the light baby." I heard a voice say.

It was taylor.

I guess the light at the end of the tunnel is heaven.

I started to cry. No one can hear me though.

"TAYLOR IM GONNA MISS YOU!" I scream. Although no one can hear my screams.

The only way out is that light. I guess it's my time to go.

"Sweetie, if you have to let go, don't be afraid. Wait for us on the other side. We'll miss you. If it's your time to go, then go. We will be okay." Mom said.

Mom. I'm gonna miss her. And Skylynn and Hayes. And Matt, Carter, Cameron, Aaron, jack g, jack j, mahogany, jacob, shawn and nash and Taylor.

I don't want to go. I don't want to leave my life behind. I hope they don't forget me.

"Hey em. I'm gonna miss you so much. I remember the first day you walked in my house and I had no clue who you are. You were my twin. I'm glad you came into my life. You've made it so much better. I hope you can see dad up there in the clouds. I love you. I can't wait until I can see you again." Nash said. I really wish I could see them.

Taylor started speaking.

"Emily. I've loved you since the day I set eyes on you. You mean the world to me. I'm not ready for you to go so quickly, but if you have to go, then go. I'll be okay. Just please watch over me. Stay by my side. In spirit of course. I will never love any girl as much as I love you. I was hoping to propose to you one day, to get married, to have kids, live in our own house. But things happen for reasons right? I don't know. I don't really believe that anymore. I don't think you should have gotten cancer. But baby, just know that I will love you. And there's a special place in my heart just for you. I wish I could hear your voice one more time. But it's okay. I can't stress this enough, but I love you. We all do. Goodbye em. Have a good time up there in heaven. Tell your dad I said hi. I love you. See you soon."

I was crying.

"Bye taylor." I said.

I walked to the light. I stepped through it. I'm in heaven now.

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