Chapter 11

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1 month later...

Emily's POV

Me and Taylor have been together for a month and it was the best month of my life.

We learned everything about each other and went on cute dates.

Taylor is perfect. And I am so glad that he's mine.

Well anyway, it's 12:30 pm and everyone is just starting to wake up. We are going to dillons house because he's throwing an amazing party tonight.

Taylor told me that he throws the best parties in town.

*Taylors POV

It's 6:30 now and we are getting ready to go to Dillion's party.

Emily is wearing a beautiful peach colored dress and she looks absolutely stunning!

We got to the party around 7. It was 7:30 and I have no clue where Emily went.

I decided to go find dillon and thank him for inviting us, then to go find Emily.

"Yo dillon!"

"Sup Taylor." Dillon said.

"Thanks for inviting us dude. This is a pretty chill party!"

"No problem! And yeah. I try haha. Well I'm gonna go get a drink. Want anything?"

"Nah. I'm gonna go find Emily. Have you seen her?"

"Uh, you didn't see her leave?" He asked nervously.

"What do you mean?" I asked worried.

"She left with a whole bunch of buff dudes like 10 minutes ago."

"WHAT!?" I asked. I was now shaking.

I ran around the house looking for nash.

I finally found him but he was making out with some girl.

I pulled him away and off to the side.

"Taylor what the fuck was that for?" Nash said pissed.

"E- Emily. She's g-gone." I managed to get out. I hadn't noticed, but tears were coming out of my eyes.

"What do you mean?" Nash asked.

I didn't answer.

"TAYLOR WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES GONE? ANSWER ME!" Nash basically screamed.

"Dillon said that she left with some guys ten minutes ago. Nash we need to find her. She's in danger." I said.

"Let's go. Now!" Nash said.

We ran to get all the guys and piled into the cars. We had no clue where they were going, so we drove everywhere. I called dillon and asked what kind of car it was. It was a black Nissan Altima. We called 911 and informed them about the situation.

We drove into this "hidden" neighborhood that we always knew about. There was only one house back here. And there was a black Nissan Altima parked in the driveway.

We immediately called the cops and told them where we were.


Sorry for the short update. I've been so busy these past couple days.

I might not be able to update as much this week because on Wednesday I have an orientation for school, on Thursday I start school, and on Saturday I'm going to six flags great adventure again.

But I'll try my best.

Please vote if you like the story. ☺️

Oh and thanks for 230 reads. I didn't think anyone would read this 😂

- Emily 🌸

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