Rouge/Knuckles male fusion bio

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This is a bio page for everything you need to know about the male fusion of Rouge and Knuckles.

This is a bio page for everything you need to know about the male fusion of Rouge and Knuckles

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(Credit for image goes to breezy-bree2 )

(Credit for image goes to breezy-bree2 )

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(New art by Tangerbree-sunrise )

Name: Fiste (credit for name goes to Diamond_Shimmers )

Nickname: Fist

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Echidna/Bat hybrid

Sexuality: Gay for his crush, but bisexual for everyone else.

Crush: Shadow

Likes: Hanging out with the Chaotix, Sonic, Tails and Shadow. Going out with Shadow. Beating up bad guys.

Dislikes: Anyone evil. Losing the Master Emerald. Seeing Shadow hurt or upset.

Personality: He has that tough guy attitude when you first meet him, but he warms up to you later and sometimes is a prankster to you for fun. He is loyal and persistent for his friends. The "inner Rouge" inside him mainly comes out when it's just him and his crush.

Backstory: When Rouge and Knuckles fused, the Master Emerald created two timelines where their fusion was either gender.

In the male timeline, Fiste is the Guardian of the Master Emerald and the leader of the Chaotix team.

When Fiste isn't guarding the ME, he has the Chaotix do it while he enjoys his time in the city or countryside, either showing off his skills or flirting with the ladies.

He first met Sonic when Eggman claimed that he was a thief coming for the ME.

Fiste assembled the Chaotix together to fight Sonic and get him off Angel Island.

Sonic won in the end and teamed up with him to destroy the Death Egg.

The two met again twice when Eggman attempted to get the ME and Fiste had to shatter it.

Fiste developed a crush on Shadow after he was found by him and Sonic in Eggman's secret lab.

Fiste continued to team up with Sonic and lead the Chaotix for the rest of the series.

It is unknown as to whether or not Shadow and Fiste had decided to marry each other or not.

(Powers and Weapons)

Echo location: He rarely uses this since he doesn't have the big ears on top like Rouge, but he still has sensitive hearing.

Making sound waves helps Fiste navigate the dark, shatter glass and stun enemies.

Flight: Since he is part bat, Fiste can fly with his wings. He's trained himself to have enough stamina to fly for a day or two.

Shovel claws: He attaches these to his hands so he can dig underground better and quicker.

Close Combat Experience: Like Knuckles, he's mostly trained to fight with his fists more than his legs.

His kicks are still powerful, but his fists deals the bigger blows.

He can take on Shadow with effort and fight Zavok, Metal Sonic, Chaos and his metal counterpart, Mecha Knuckles, on his own.

Crystal Summoning: An ability he's rarely able to use, Fiste can summon crystals out of thin air.

He mainly uses it for two abilities.

1) Summoning crystal shards to use as daggers.

2) Surrounding his fists with crystal, increasing his strength dangerously.

He use it if he also needs to replace his shovel claws whenever something happens to them.

Super Strength: Being made of two physically strong beings, Fiste has incredible strength that is a sight to behold.

He can throw the Master Emerald the distance of 6 football fields!

Kick a boulder up a mountain in one kick!

And lift up a car with a single foot!


Sonic: (bro friend)

Fiste has a brother like relationship with Sonic after he helped get the ME back several times.

If Tails wasn't around to be Sonic's wingman, Fiste would be there instead.

Tails: (bro friend)

The two have a brother like relationship too.

Tails looks at Fiste as another big brother, besides Sonic of course.

And Fiste sees Tails as the little brother he never had.

Amy: (close friend)

Fiste is generally good friends with the pink hedgehog and helps out when needed.

Although, he does spend some time with Amy flirting with her, trying to make both Sonic and Shadow jealous.

Shadow: (crush/boyfriend/future husband)

Fiste fell in love with Shadow when they found him in a lab after the battle on the Ark.

Shadow was at first creeped out by Fiste's constant flirting around him, but soon fell in love with him too after Fiste showed him that he would never abandon him.

It took some patience, but two became a couple after the battle against Mephiles.

Blaze: (close friend)

Fiste met Blaze some when she came to Mobius for the first time, to which the two became friends afterwards.

Fiste thinks she is an amazing woman and is willing to team up with her.

He sometimes flirts at her just have fun with seeing Silver be jealous.

Silver: (close friend)

Besides being generally good friends, Fiste and Silver team up a lot when the future is at stake.

Silver is one of the only people Fiste will allow to be near the ME since Fiste uses it to show a vision of the future.

The Chaotix (close friends/teammates)

If the Chaotix was a gang, Fiste is their leader, and he's not afraid or embarrassed to lead them.

The Chaotix hang out most of the time when they're not guarding the ME or solving a case.

(End of bio)

That's it for the bios on them.
See ya there!

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