Rouge the Bat list of fusions/intro

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Rouge flew in through the entrance to a temple in the woods.

She had gotten the location from Knuckles after talking with him about each other's treasure hunting adventures.

The place was no ordinary temple, but was claimed to be the temple of beauty, meant for worshipping the Goddess of Beauty.

The entire temple was bright pink by day, but turned into a captivating purple by night.

According to what Knuckles told her, there was a gem inside that could give someone the blessing of the goddess if they could have what it takes.

A jewel that could make someone beautiful? That was double score for Rouge!

After barely dodging the traps, she came to a dead end.

Rouge nearly face palmed. "Great Knuckie! You finally managed to make a fool out of me! Oh well, I guess I'll have to move on elsewhere."

Before she left though, she caught a small shimmer of light inside the wall.

Rouge felt around the wall and found a lose brick that opened to reveal a handle.

Rouge giggled to herself. "Maybe I should send an apology note to Knuckles for doubting him."

She walked into the room and found a huge room filled with gems by the thousands. It was enough to make Rouge's eyes go wide and walk towards it in hypnotic like state.

Before she could grab what she thought was the gem, she heard punching sounds not far from her.

She turned and saw Knuckles trying to fend off Metal Sonic from the Master Emerald.

As confusing as the sight was to see both Knuckles and the Master Emerald there, it got even more confusing when she started hearing voices in her head.

A female voice spoke in Rouge's head. "Go take the Master Emerald. Knuckles isn't watching, so now is the chance to have it."

Rouge looked at the gem she was about to grab, then at Knuckles, trying to decide what to do.

Eventually, she made her mind up.

Before Metal could hit Knuckles, Rouge delivered a spiral kick out of nowhere, sending the robot into the wall.

Suddenly, Knuckles, Metal and the Master Emerald all disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The female voice spoke in Rouge's head again. "Congratulations, you are worthy of my blessing!"

Another door opened, revealing a massive room with a fancy pink altar.

On top of the altar was a jewel that was pink in color and shaped like a heart.

Rouge walked into the room before the door slowly shut behind her.

A large pink woman appeared before her, wearing delicate robes that blew in the wind.

The woman spoke. "I am the Goddess of Beauty, Mona. You have passed a test I left behind for the day you would come."

Rouge smiled. "Aaaww, you were waiting for me? How nice of you!"

Mona giggled. "Yes. Believe it or not, I have been watching you for a while and set this up for you."

Rouge raised an eyebrow. "Why though?"

Mona smiled. "It was to see if you were ready to be a better you than before. But in order for you to use my "Shimmering Heart", you need to accept one thing that it's meant to do."

Rouge looked curious. "Which is?"

Mona looked at her closely. "It's meant to merge two beings together into a new being."

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