Chapter 12: Roman's Story

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(I don't really think I need an AN besides telling you I'm working on the thing from the announcements chapter it's gonna be... interesting to say the least. So when I get to that I really hope you read that. enjoy!)

"Well... that was dramatic."

"Patton!" Virgil yelled, collapsing on the ground beside him. "Patton are you ok? Logan help me!" Virgil yelled at him. Logan made his way over to the pair, "Do you know what this is? No wait scratch that- can you FIX this?!"

"We... we were gonna go to the lab in the mind palace before we were literally swept away in la la land." Roman explained.

"... we have a lab?" Virgil asked.

"It's Logan's."

"Then we have to hurry. Logan? Do you know- do you know how much time he has left?" Virgil's voice cracked while he said this.

"Well... considering how long ago he was bit, Deceit saying we had "5 hours" but I'd take a grain of salt with that, the type of snake-"

"Just answer the question Microsoft Nerd! His LIFE is at stake!" Roman yelled.

"Of course. I'd say we have about... 2 hours and 7 minutes before the poison takes full effect."

"What about Thomas?" Virgil asked, looking over at their host.

"What about him?" Logan asked.

"What happens if we don't save Patton? He's one of the most important attributes to Thomas!" Virgil pointed at him while his voice started getting darker as he started to panic.

"Okay Virgil, calm down. I'm sure nothing's going to happen to Thomas." Roman held his hands up.

"But what if-"

"Maybe we should get Patton to the lab and not risk having to answer those questions!" Thomas suggested.

"That would probably be the best course of action. TO THE LABORATORY!" Logan yelled, pointing dramatically and charging out of Virgil's room.

"YOU'RE SUCH A NERD!" Roman yelled, following.

Thomas stayed for a second, "Virgil... are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Right now, we have to worry about Patton. And then," Virgil stood up. "We need to worry about the rest."

The three were watching Logan work excitedly around different chemicals, books, and other things Virgil couldn't name if someone put a gun to his head. Patton was laying down on a table, unconscious. "How's he looking Logan?" Virgil asked, looking down at the father figure.

"Right now, it's hard to tell. But I need you all to stand back as I do my work. This is important stuff."

Virgil sighed, "I wish there was something I could do." he mumbled before walking over to Roman and Thomas.

"So... how are you feeling Virgil?" Roman eyed him.

"Hmm? Just worried about Patton."

"We all are but I mean is there like any chance of you going all evil while we're around?"

"Roman!" Thomas looked over at him.

"What?! With everything going on Virgil turning into literal emo nightmare is the last thing we need right now."


"Look, Roman. I assure you that I'm ok. Patton helped me."


"Shut up!" The three sat down and looked at eachother. "So...." Virgil trailed off. "What happened to the three of you?" he asked.

"Uhh...." Roman and Thomas eyed each other before looking back at Virgil. "How much time do you have?" Roman laughed.

"Until we save Patton." Virgil shrugged. "So who wants to go first?"

Roman sighed, "I guess I will. So, the four of us went into La La Land because Patton figured out some nightmare before christmas mumbo jumbo to find the "backup" entrance to your room. And the moment we got there, we were separated. So there I was-"

Roman was running toward the dragon witch, sword in hand. He defeated this beast once before for the love of Valerie, and just to show off in front of the others. But now it seems that the beast was given some major upgrades from Deceit. It blew fire at Roman and it missed him by a few inches at best. He could feel the heat from the flames as they scoached the area around him. "Ok... plan B." Roman muttered to himself.

The dragon witch flew towards Roman, who squaked and ran to a nearby cave. "OH ROMAN! I KNOW YOU'RE SMARTER THAN THAT!" the dragon witch roared from behind him.

"Damn!" Roman breathed. "Time to get creative." He took off at a run, going through the forest of thorns towards a rather large cliff. It took a lot for Roman to not start crying with pain as he was literally running through bushes and thorns. "Whoo! You can do it Roman. Almost there!" he said to himself. Continuing to climb.

"OH ROMAN! WHERE ARE YOU!" he could hear the dragon witch from down below.

"Just a little longer..." Roman was finding it hard to run up the cliff in his prince getup, every once in a while feeling the fabric tear. "Man! Do you know how long it's gonna take to fix this?!"


Roman was standing there, waiting for the thing. "Come on, you horrendous thing." Roman whispered.


"I'm sure you do." Roman taunted.

"NOW COME HERE!" the thing yelled, climbing up the cliff.

"Gotcha." Roman laughed. He took a running start before throwing himself off the cliff, sword over his head. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" he screamed before bringing the blade clashing down, taking the dragon witches head clean off it's body. "WHOAA!!!" Roman now realized WHILE FALLING how dumb his idea of jumping off a cliff was.

He started tumbling down the hill, trying not to stab himself with the sword that was covered in the dragon witches blood. He could feel the rocks and thorns scratching his skin. "OOF!" He thumped on his back. "Ohh! Ouch!" Roman was laying on the ground, refusing to move.

Roman was looking up at the sky, the sun slightly blinding him. He saw someone lean over him. "Logan?" Roman asked, blinking rapidly.


"How did you get here?"

"Well, that's a convoluted story. I think that it's best that we find Thomas and the others."

"Uhh... agreed."

"Can you walk?" Logan asked, still looking down at him.

Roman pulled himself off the ground, "I'll be fine." Roman dusted the grass and dirt off his costume. "This is gonna take forever to clean."

"So, let me get this straight-"

"Good luck with that."

"Anyway. So, you had to fight the dragon witch again. You climbed a cliff, JUMPED OFF A CLIFF, cut the dragons head off, fell off the cliff, and then Logan found you?" Virgil asked, Thomas looked at Roman with a horrified expression.

"Sounds about right." Roman nodded.

Virgil sighed, "alright then. Uhhh Thomas, what happened to you?" Virgil looked over at Thomas, hoping that his story wasn't as dramatic.

"You see, it all started when-"

(Hillo there! I'm so on a roll and DON'T STOP ME NOW (sorry couldn't help it) anyways, hope you enjoyed and until the next chapter

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals


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