Chapter 2: Let Me Help

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(WHAT IS UP EVERYBODY?! Quick An before i start the chapter. Some of the chapters in the future might be a bit slow coming out than others because i have HS swim season starting up, more testing, and more choir festivals to look forward to. Also i had to type this whole thing with a sprained finger so OUCH!)

Patton opened the door to Vigil's room. "Hey there kiddo." Patton smiled.

"What is it Patton?" Virgil asked.

"Just your happy dad figment checking in on you." Patton was still smiling but Virgil thought he was starting to see traces of black under his eyes.

"Well, I'm fine Patton." Virgil tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"Nice try kiddo, but I can tell when something is really eating you up inside." Patton walked over and sat on Virgil's bed. "You want to talk about it?" he asked.

"Not really." Virgil mumbled.

"Oh come on, you know you can talk to me about anything!" there was a sparkle in Patton's eyes.

"Look, its just that you wouldn't understand." Virgil looked away from Patton.

"Why not? You're my dark, strange son. I can understand anything that you might be feeling." Patton's smile turned into a concerned frown.

That's a lie

Deceits voice rang inside Virgil's mind. Virgil's eyes gave a soft glow of purple.

"Virgil? You're not mad at me? Are you?" Patton's voice was soft, but starting to waver. Virgil looked over at Patton; sure enough, the black was underneath his eyes again and he was starting to become corrupted.

"Patton, it isn't safe for you in here." Virgil put his arm around Patton's shoulder, "I assure you that nothing is going on with me, but you need to go, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not getting hurt!" Patton insisted.

Another lie, Patton is on a role!

Virgil sighed, "You don't need to put yourself in harm's way only for me. I don't want that." Patton now stood in the threshold of Virgil's door.

Patton sighed, the dark starting to wear off. "Fine. But I'll be back to check on you!" he had his smile back and ran off. Virgil gave a soft smile and shut his door. When he did, he heard slow, sarcastic clapping coming from behind him.

That was quite the show you and Patton put on there Virg! Maybe you should have taken the stage instead of Roman.

"What are you on about?" he asked.

Oh like you don't know! I can see past your lying Virgil. You have feeling for sweet little dad, i know you do.

"That's preposterous." Virgil turned away from Deceit, but he continued.

He feels the same way, I'm sure you can feel it. You and Patton are at the core of a lot of Thomas's feelings even though the others don't want to admit it. Don't you remember Virg? That is why you were such a great ally to have.

"I would like to not remember. That's not me, not the me I wanted to be."

Oh but it really is, deep down you liked sharing those feelings that Thomas was having with us, it made you feel like you belong with us. The others, much like the common four, didn't want you around. But I saw what you were truly capable of Virgil. If only you remembered.

Virgil glared at him, "I belong now."

But you really don't. You must sense it Vergil, their actions have been better, but their thoughts have never changed.

Virgil's eyes started to glow again but he heard a voice,


It was Thomas.

Looks like dear Thomas has some issues to clear up with you. I'll see you soon old friend.


Virgil popped up and saw Thomas, Patton, Roman, and Logan all staring at him. "What did I do now?" he looked away from the others.

"Patton has informed us that you have been dealing with anger problems. He wanted us to talk about that with you. Is anything bothering you?" Logan asked.

"Only Deceit tormenting me." Virgil thought to himself.

"Now kiddo, I know you like to keep your feelings to yourself but you are actually going to have to talk about your feelings with us." Patton looked concerned.

"Frankly, i don't know why i was called. I don't have anything useful to say to Virgil." Roman said.

Virgil remained silent.

Patton sighed, "Virgil. You need to let me, uh, us help you through this. Whatever this is."

"I think Patton is right here Virgil. But i think we need to let you be comfortable with telling us what you're going through. And if right now isn't the time, then i think that we need to respect that." Thomas looked over at Patton.

"While i do think you are right to an extent, Virgil has had a past record of keeping his emotions bottled to a point where he loses control of them. And with his particular situation; whatever that might be, losing all control would not be ideal." Logan explained.

It's all lies... can you tell?

Virgil's eyes glowed softly. he tired to hid it from the others, but was unsuccessful.

"Virgil? Are we doing something to anger you? Was this meeting Patton called making you upset?" Roman asked.

"Falsehood. All we've said during this meeting would only make Virgil uncomfortable to share whatever feelings he has hidden. It must be something in his subconscious that is making him angry. Maybe another trip to his room or the mind palace will help fix this?" Logan suggested.

"May-" Thomas started but was interrupted.


Virgil voice was loud and overlapping.

"Oh and why not dark one?" Roman asked.

"I-I uhhh...." Virgil stammered. He had no idea what to say to get the others off his back. Without warning he left.

"Was it something I said?" Roman looked at the others, a confused look plastered on his face.

(I know this chapter doesn't have all that much. I was trying to get something out fast, school blegh! But i hope you enjoy and the next chapter will indeed be longer and have more "stuffs" in it. But i hope you enjoyed this ch. And are enjoying the story. This is my first TS work and I'm trying my best.

But until the next chapter,

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals.


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