Chunk of "Liar Liar"

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(Well after having a panic attack in a pool yesterday and nearly sent to the ER I would like to compensate by giving you a chunk into what the next chapter is going to look like. I know people are telling my not to rush but I kinda feel like I have to.)

You're still one of us.

Deceits words kept ringing in Virgil's head, like an alarm that you couldn't turn off. Virgil groaned and put his head in his hands, trying to calm himself from the terror that he is putting himself through.

Virgil was so distracted he didn't even notice being summoned until he fell face first onto the stairs. "Ouch! Damn." Virgil muttered to himself before pulling himself up. For half a second, he expected Patton to yell at him about language; but when he looked up, Patton wasn't even there. None of them were.

"Hi Virgil."

Virgil looked around, it was Thomas who had spoken to him.

"Hey Thomas. Something wrong?" he asked.

"Actually..." Thomas walked over and sat on the couch, he beckoned Virgil to come do the same. Reluctantly, Virgil sat down.

"Well?" Virgil asked.

"What?" Thomas asked Virgil. Virgil looked over at Thomas, who had a look of curiosity on his face.

"Where's the "are you feeling ok? Patton and the others were telling me about you." and blah blah blah?" Virgil rolled his eyes while saying this.

"They did. But I think it's important to tell me about whatever you're going through when and if you're ready to do so." Thomas turned to the television.

The others told him to pry. they knew that you could become most comfortable with him. well, you are a part of him after all.

"Shut up." Virgil mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" Thomas asked, looking at him.

"I-uh. Sorry just a thought getting to me." Virgil pulled his hoodie over his head and pulled the drawstrings.

You blew your moment with Thomas, amd you're a moron. But I guess I can have fun later.

Virgil felt a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I may not know what you're going through. But in the past I know my worry wart has always been able to pull himself out of sticky situations. You can come talk to me whenever you need to ok?" Thomas asked.

Virgil sighed, "Alright."

(Well hope you guys enjoyed this bit to the next chapter. I know Thomas has a New Sanders Sides video coming out next week ish. This chapter should be out before then maybe Sat.-Sun. Keep your eyes peeled. But maybe the next video can give me some more inspiration for where to go from here. So win-win! See you in the actual chapter!


(Side note: I was going to show you another bit from this chapter but i decided well... It would be better worth the wait wouldn't it?)

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