Chapter 3: Protect Them

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(Sorry for the long wait, I had to rewrite a good chunk of this chapter and my schedule wasn't agreeing with me for me to fix it. Anyways, enjoy!)

Virgil slammed the door to his room shut. He started to pace around his room, breathing was starting to become harder for him and he could feel his eyes randomly flashing purple. "Great, panic attack." he thought to himself.

Aren't those the best?

"Leave me alone!" Virgil's voice was overlapping again and his eyes were still purple.

But where's the fun in that Virg?

Virgil was trying to breath, but failing miserably.

Deceit laughed, Those panic attacks of yours are quite pathetic.

Virgil said nothing.

You know you are getting boring Virgil. Maybe I should go play with the others.

Virgil gaped at him, "You wouldn't."

We've been over this Virgil, and you know that I would. You've known me the longest after all. You don't want to admit it but you know things about me I wouldn't tell anyone else. I think that Patton so dearly wants to go to the past. I think I'll... give him words of encouragement to get him there.

Deceit left.

"Patton." Virgil's eyes went wide, and he fled to Patton's room.


Patton was staring at a photo-book. Pictures of the past were stored in there. A good chunk of the book had pictures were Virgil was absent. Just pictures of Thomas as a child with untold amounts of happiness on his face. And pictures of Roman, Logan, and himself.

Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the past Patton?

Patton smiled fondly at the book; he didn't know who was talking to him, but it sounded calm, and like someone that he could trust.

No problems, no worries, just being happy. Like it used to be.

Deceit was in shadow, but walking over to Patton. A sly smile on his face.

"It would be nice wouldn't it?" He said out loud.


Deceit was getting closer to Patton, his smile grew. Patton had zero idea of the danger that was right behind him.

"Hey Patton." Virgil placed his hands on Patton's shoulders.

"Hey Virgil! You look like you're doing better. Although you're kinda touchy feely today aren't you?" Patton chuckled.

"How about we go on a walk?" Virgil asked.

"Sounds splendid! We can go for ice cream afterward!" Patton gave a wide smile. Virgil couldn't help but give a laugh and a small smile at Patton's child like attitude.

They started to walk away, but Virgil turned his head around and looked at Deceit.

Deceit smiled,

Very clever Virgil.


Virgil watched Patton as he continued to lick his strawberry icecream. (I actually don't know what he would get, but Strawberry seems most like Patton to me) Patton gasped and srunched up his face, "Something the matter?" Virgil asked.

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