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OK so 1 the next chapter has been in the works for a really long time and I'm just struggling.

It doesn't help that I'm starting senior year in 2 days.

Also I felt I needed to give you an explication for the last chapter. The biggest inspiration was from a movie called "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker"

Now you can pretty much disregard most of the movie. The part that inspired me was the flashback bat girl tells during the middle of the film or

spoiler alerts from here on out....

Jokers Death.

So the story is Robin (Tim Drake at the time, VERY young Robin) gets kidnapped by Joker and Harley.

It is then reveled that Tim has been tortured and had his mind changed by Joker so he is called "JJ" by the Joker.

Got all that?


So that's my explication hope you can deal with me. So...

Yea. Later.

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