Chapter 11: tick...tick...tick

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(First of all, you should know that I had an entirely separate draft made for this chapter and after the newest video I reread it and just didn't like how the chapter fit with the story and the lore of the sides. So I had to go back to the drawing board. Also I'm sure as you have figured out by now, continuity and I are not friends. Anyway after a llllloooooonnnnggg time overdue, I hope you enjoy!)

(oh I almost forgot! Question thing is who do you identify with? Probably Virgil. I write about him so much. I also identify with Logan quite a bit but if I had to chose one, than it would be Virgil. ON WITH THE STORY!)

The first thing that Patton wanted to do was cry. He was in Virgil's room but it wasn't... Virgil's room. Sure everything seemed to be there; like the spider curtains, band pictures, and the sick nasty Tim Burton posters. But something that set this room apart from the one he knew was there were storm clouds rumbling on the ceiling, purple lightning bolting across every once in a while.

But more than that, everything that Patton had given to Virgil was now gone. Every little trinket, note, and sentimental item that he had given to Virgil just... gone.

And then there was the little demon in front of him. Well, physically that is. The skin on the left side of Virgil's face terrified him, and any sense of the Virgil that Patton had gotten to know so well in such a short span of time was gone.

There was no emotion in his eyes. But... he wasn't attacking. Why? Maybe his head was still fighting back against his body? That's how he's been talking this whole time right? Ugh! this whole thing was confusing! ... There was one solution that could work. But it was risky.

"If this is going to work, I need to get to him mentally." Patton thought to himself. The task was easier said than done. When a side needed comforting or their emotions started to get the better of them, Patton was able to connect to the mind and relieve them of their turmoil for the meantime.

But the strangest thing to Patton at this very moment, was that Virgil still wasn't doing anything to him. Patton sighed, and sat down on the floor. He didn't really know what he was doing, but he knew that he didn't want to give up on Virgil. He couldn't give up on Virgil. Not if he could help it.

What's the matter Patton? Feeling hopeless? Feeling scared? Scared for the fact that you can't help him? Or is it something different?

"I don't have to answer to you." Patton mumbled.

Ahhh but you do. You see Patton, everything has a purpose. And all this time you've been denying Virgil's purpose and squandering his potential.

"Potential for what?"

You may think that Anxiety is just supposed to be looking out for Thomas but he is so much more than that. Surely you of all people should realize that.

Patton paused, "Yea... I do realize that." Patton stood up, "Virgil is someone who has had more than a rough past with all of us. But I know who he is. He is someone who is sweet, and kind. And he looks out for others well being." Patton could feel the dark under his eyes. Virgil's room was starting it's corruption on him. "And I think it's about time that someone look out for him!" Patton reached out, and grabbed Virgil's wrist.


(God I sound like a Disney movie right now!)

Patton blinked, everything was black. He had never been inside Virgil's mind before. This very fact surprised the father figure seeing as how he would think that Virgil would need comfort more than anyone. Purple sand surrounded him as he heard several different voices. Most of them belonged to Virgil, with Deceit, Roman, Logan or himself showing up every once in a while.

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