The Past

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Jongdae's dad looked at the grandma and mumbled, "Eomma..." The grandma didn't recognize Jongdae's dad, she went to lie down on her bed. The woman approached Jongdae's dad and said, "Finally we met again... Jaewook-ah, I have a lot of things I want to say." Jongdae's dad nodded with teary eyes.

Jongdae's mom yelled at the woman angrily, "Leave my husband alone!!!" When Jongdae's mom tried to slap the woman, Jongdae's dad caught his wife's hand and said angrily, "If you dare lay a finger on her, I swear I will kick you out of our house and stop giving you money!!" 

Jongdae's mom didn't dare to do anything when her husband grabbed the woman's hand and left with the woman. Jongdae didn't care about what was happening, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. "Woahh... Kim Jongdae's family is very complicated," Baekhyun mumbled in his heart.

Jongdae's dad took the woman to have lunch at the nearest restaurant. Jongdae's dad stared at the woman with mixed feelings and asked, "Minju-ah, how have you been?" The woman mumbled sadly, "Jaewook-ah..."

Throwback to 20 years ago.

Jaewon picked up his younger brother who had just finished serving military for 2 years. Jaewook hugged his mom once he arrived home. "Welcome back, Jaewook-ah," Minju said with a wide smile. Jaewook smiled happily and replied, "Thank you, my best friend." Then the four of them had dinner together happily.

Jaewook looked at Minju and asked with a smile, "Minju-ah, are you free tonight?" Minju nodded with a smile. "Let's watch a movie together," said Jaewook. "Okay," Minju replied. Jaewon asked, "Can I come with you two?" Minju nodded and Jaewook shook his head.

Jaewon teased Jaewook, "If I don't come with you, do you have money to buy the ticket?" Jaewook fell silent. Jaewon chuckled, then he gave money to Jaewook and said, "Have fun." "Thank you, hyung (older brother)," Jaewook said happily, then he stared at Minju with a smile while saying in his heart, "I'm gonna confess my love to you tonight."

Suddenly Jaewon said, "Eomma... Jaewook-ah... Since you all are here now, I want to tell you a good news." Jaewook and his mom asked curiously, "What good news?" Jaewon held Minju's hand and said to his mom, "Eomma, Minju and I want to get married. Will you give us your blessing?" "Of course," Jaewook's mom replied happily.

Jaewook was really shocked, he was like being struck by the lightning in the middle of the day. Jaewook looked at his older brother and his best friend, then asked in a trembling voice, "Since when... You two... Became close?" Minju answered shyly, "Since you left for serving military."

Jaewook tried to smile while holding back his tears, he said, "Congrats hyung... Minju-ah, I just remembered that I have another appointment with my friend tonight." Jaewook left soon after saying that.

Jaewook couldn't resist his jealousy of seeing Minju and his older brother together after they were married, so he decided to leave his hometown and went to Seoul. Jaewook's mom couldn't stop thinking of Jaewook who left home, she kept asking the same question every night to Minju and Jaewon, "Has Jaewook come home yet?"

Minju and Jaewon had a baby the next year. Jaewook's mom was a little cheered up by the presence of her grandchild. Minju asked Jaewon, "What name will you give to our baby?" Jaewon whispered the baby's name into Minju's ear then kissed Minju's cheek gently. Minju embroidered the baby's name on the newly bought baby wrap cloth.

Jaewon took his mom, his wife and his baby to have dinner at a nice restaurant to celebrate his mom's birthday. On the way back home, they were robbed and Jaewon fought back so the robber stabbed Jaewon. Jaewon died on his way to the hospital.

Time had stopped for Jaewook's mom when she lost both Jaewon and Jaewook. Seeing Jaewook's mom cry day and night, Minju took her to the public park to cheer her up. "Minju-ah, I'm so thirsty," said Jaewook's mom. 

The weather was indeed hot. Minju took her mom in law to stand under the big tree. "Eomeonim, please wait here, I will buy cold drink over there," said Minju. "Leave the baby with me, there is so hot," said Jaewook's mom. Minju handed over her baby. The baby wrapped in a cloth with the baby's name embroidered on it and slept tightly in Jaewook's mom's arms.

When Minju returned with 2 glasses of cold drink, Jaewook's mom had disappeared. Minju looked for her mom in law until late at night but she couldn't find her mom in law. Minju went home desperately. 

"Minju-ah, why are you so late?" Jaewook's mom asked when Minju arrived home. Minju hugged Jaewook's mom and said with relief, "Eomeonim... Thank god you are safe." "Come on, let's eat dinner. Jaewook and Jaewon are waiting," said Jaewook's mom.

Minju was shocked when she saw the dining table full of dishes but no one was there. "Eomeonim, there is no one here," said Minju. "Maybe Jaewook is out but he will come back soon... But Jaewon is here... Can't you see him? He is smiling at us," said Jaewook's mom. 

Minju got a bad feeling, she asked, "Eomeonim, where is the baby?" Jaewook's mom asked confusedly, "Baby?... Who's baby?... Do we have a baby in this house?" Minju quickly searched for her baby at home but she couldn't find her baby. Jaewook's mom couldn't remember where she left the baby when Minju asked her repeatedly.

Minju went to the police office with a broken heart to report her missing baby. Meanwhile in Seoul, Jaewook tried to survive by doing all rough work and sleeping in the port.

One day, Jaewook met Jungsoo who was a high school student. Jungsoo was harassed by bad guys inside the alley and Jaewook saved her. Jungsoo fell in love with Jaewook at first sight. Knowing that Jaewook had no place to sleep, Jungsoo offered her rooftop to Jaewook for a low rental fee.

One night, after drinking with his co-workers at the port, Jaewook came home drunk past midnight. Jaewook had difficulty inserting the key into the keyhole so he knocked the door and shouted drunkenly, "Open the door!!!" Jungsoo who was still awake, studying for the exam, quickly went to the rooftop and helped Jaewook. When Jungsoo wanted to leave, Jaewook suddenly kissed Jungsoo. Jungsoo who loved Jaewook didn't stop Jaewook from taking her everything that night. 

Back to the present.

Minju said sadly, "Jaewook-ah... Can you help me find my missing son?" Jongdae's dad nodded and said, "I'll definitely find your son for you... What is his name?" Just when Minju was about to answer Jongdae's dad, Baekhyun's mom who had been watching from afar approached Jongdae's dad then slapped Jongdae's dad very hard and splashed water on Jongdae's dad's face.

When Baekhyun's mom wanted to leave, Jongdae's dad grabbed her hand and said angrily, "Do you think I will let you walk away after what you just did to me?? Why did you do that?? We don't even know each other!! Who are you??" Baekhyun's mom replied angrily, "Byun Jungsoo! Does that name remind you of someone??"

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